Friday, April 8, 2011


"A sonnet sent me to Violante / and in my life I've been in this predicament, / fourteen lines say it's sonnet, / mockery mocking go three ahead." Thus prayed classic writer of our Golden Age of Literature and comparing myself to him because my life had I been in this predicament brought about by my psychologist, to write an article on anxiety in crisis almost constant anxiety that keeps me at peace and almost let me live with a minimum of calm and serene harmony with my body, my mind and soul.

"Anxiety of having you in my arms, whispering words of love. The anxiety of having your charms and kiss your lips again. " So sang Nat King Cole in the memorable love song absolutely unforgettable. But I do not speak of this anxiety positive, expectant, full of hope, waiting for all the good that can provide the love and passion of love. I speak of anxiety negative, destructive, annihilating, pounding, massacres, which makes you a living dead, a zombie unable to do basic things like washing, eating and the like.

reminded me Angel Ganivet, author of Generation semidesconocido of 98, who attempted suicide twice to get thrown overboard from a boat. At first got to save him, but the second time made it. And all for their anxiety problems. I wonder what level of despair that leads to a human being to commit suicide because of anxiety, the infinitely evil to be be to eliminate all water filling the lungs, what penalty would much talent wasted as Robert de Niro in A Bronx Tale.

Anxiety manifests itself in many ways because it is a chameleon process: social phobia, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and etc. ether. I suffer a bit of everything and I swear by God that the suffering is immense, excruciating. Makes you a puppet, a slave of anxiety in a young child who needs help for even the most basic things. Worthlessness. It is a wreck, a being without resources, without means to have the necessary autonomy to live for yourself.

I do not know what the solution to anxiety. What I fear is to the paralysis of which I spoke Carrascoso Paco (my former psychologist) for just over a year when I came to the Virgen Macarena URSM. As a rookie it was I was explaining many things, including the process of getting absolute paralysis that makes me so scared I do not want to fall into it. I ask God to give me strength to contain the terrible attacks of anxiety in its various manifestations. Anxiety that I can, it is me who can finish with her, destroy, destroyed.

May God sufficient forces and were also given to all colleagues of suffering. We can say at the end: we won and kept walking. Using the English expression "Keep Walking", continues to walk, stand up. I promise myself to do it and I hope all of you, sick patients, whichever you prefer to call you, too. Give me great joy.

Morales José Cuadrado


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