Monday, April 18, 2011

Lost Combination To Master Lock Cable For Bike

CN-The human being extinguished

This entry does not have anything to do with Nostradamus or any other prophet. It is a vision of the future, but the harshest reality. The man, fortunately, is extinguished by how silly it is.
animal instinct makes the species try to get the best genetic makeup to their offspring and so get more and better offspring.
In most Where is the female who decides, chooses the strongest and largest, for which the males often fight each displacing older and weaker individuals.
males, as indicated by this article wolf spider on the way of example, tend to prefer young females. The reason is that fertility is greater and therefore are more likely to spread their genes. The cannibalism of insects with respect to the partners but I think something hard, thoughtful, and avoid the subject of infidelity.
However, the man is a useless and so is doomed to extinction. According to the logic, men prefer women with broad hips and breasts large offspring have a good guarantee, ie something like
But drools and falls for inappropriate things like this:

So nothing, to wait calmly extinction.


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