Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cervix Low And Hard Late Period

Uniting for Ball and Mental Health "MUSHROOMS OF SEVILLE

The next day April 28 from 10:00 to 14:00, will be held at the Park Sports Centre Alcos , "The first U.S. OLYMPICS SPORTS by Ball and Mental Health." This event also aims to promote the sport in people with severe mental illness, promote recreational and leisure spaces which enhance social participation and use of community resources.

The sports are basketball (triple shot), Darts, Petanque and chess will be played simultaneously encounters Futsal Championship between The workshop Rafael Gonzalez / HHPP and URSM'S / Taller de Osuna.

Already more than 100 people involved, even you can do until 15 by sending an email to tallerrafaelgonzaleztrabajos@gmail.com . Also, if you will, can come from public or volunteer in the organization.


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