Sunday, April 10, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Impetigo Scars Fast

D-2011 Half Marathon

at 8 was already in the athletics stadium to lend a hand in the organization. For me it is good practice because it helps me keep in touch with friends and enjoy sharing the experiences of people.
on the race, as the information is in many newspapers, I'm not going to repeat what you know. Perhaps to emphasize the strong wind that has made the last kilometers into real ordeal for many runners. Whoever won, followed by Rafael Iglesias, have taken a big advantage in the third, so it should be emphasized the high quality of these. San Pedro's team has placed various components in the top positions, including the great Toni has done a good test considering how little we can train (also has shaved).
Today I touched the assembly output, the output itself and after the "cop" to control access along the entrance corridor. This last part is the hardest to bear because you're with people who do not cooperate in the organization and then are those who complain most about. Pay a registration gives the same rights as other brokers, and should respect the rules set for the common good.
The entrance corridor is required to be overlooked as there are people who get bad and if it builds public without order there bothering them, but that has not been a big problem today. If you have been those who wanted to get inside the stadium to go to see relatives or scrounge a beer. You want to see your family who have run right, is something that is understood, but if you stick to 3300 runners 2 or 3 guests, we are left with 10000 people wandering on the runway, and would have no trouble.
I do not like those who completed the test once again to scrounge drinks or whatever they can grab. That makes those who reach the end, they are most needed, to meet shortages or lack of drinks even though supplies are initially willing to spare. And the worst
me fall are those who place volunteers bitching because they do not let them do whatever they want. With adults are more limited, but it is not right to do it to a guy who is there helping out.
Congratulations to the organization for such a magnificent event. The day marks will not wind amazing. Watch

0:02 -> Another thing I was doing was picking up people fainting and dehydration. For some it was a great effort with little preparation. There was a guy who was completely groggy in the absence of less than 1 km. I try to get up and continue but, despite being aware, controlling movements or thoughts. A young kid can excel, but there are some who venture too much unnecessary effort and little preparation.


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