Monday, April 25, 2011

Labeled Titanic Diagram

Hello everyone I am writing this text to tell you how it went Easter this year, no one can ignore the role of rain, a major drawback that has left many fraternities unable to do their season of penitence. Truth when I saw the rain saw sadness and many people waiting for their image is come out to the street, but only saw tears and despair, but hey we're going to do until the year 2012 to see if we are lucky and we see our Guild through the streets of Seville.
I belong to the brotherhood of Our Lady of Hope Macarena and the truth this morning I saw pictures that anyone would face is white of deep pain to see my Lady did not come out. I spent the morning crying and unable to sleep, but hey, what I usually say, "whoever wishes to see the Esperanza Macarena, you do not go see it in the morning, this whole day in his basilica." I long to see that I am proud that I do when she opens the doors of his house. Do not know what else to say, and finally an indication that it is surprising, to 80 years that Easter was a time Sevillana not bad but good, we must look forward and that next year is amazing for all a greeting David.


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