Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Ep 03

O-killing flies with cannon

mailto, mailto moo. It is actually silly but is annoying me much. Tonight I have not slept a wink for the pain I had, which is intense but not entirely, if annoying.
For those who still do not know, I have a deviated septum. I trade because I do not like hospitals much less the operating room, so the idea that I split the nose with a beefy recompose me makes me not a shred of grace. They say it would improve my performance but I'm not going to risk to try it because at the moment I'm doing well. Unless Part I in a fight, for which many people are willing to "fix" the nose, I do not think that comes through my own foot for repair.
Well, that, together with a large mucus is causing it to collapse the tube me me down (rather than not work) and this accumulation is expanding my Ear and teeth that hurt me a lot. Fearing a cavity or an undetected ear infection this morning I went to the emergency room for me to have a look. After confirming that he had nothing of this, the doctor told me "I command a corticosteroid and ready in about 4 days", to which I said no, that was the official competition and could not take it from the doping issue.
would have to have very bad luck to touch me, but there is a chance it would be a humiliation that I suspended for doping with everything out there and nothing happens. I insisted on that would be 4 days and I answered that those 4 days would be 2 years and I have stayed with paracetamol and endure the pain.
My medical knowledge are not great, but I think a lot send steroids to something like what I have. That if I remove it in a "Pispas" but the effects are not to me leave me, and when I really needed to do what?. You have to maintain some consistency and not be killing flies with cannon fire.


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