Monday, April 4, 2011

Do Women Wear Panty Hose With Skirt Suits



I have a problem that I am too embarrassed to talk about it. Is to reveal an inner secret that few know of me and I dare to refer in this opinion column and health if there is anyone that happens the same thing that happens to me or if there is an association of people affected by this disease. Volume Ocmin, but not enough, my urologist, whom I saw not long ago, out of shame, told me that I have to feel inferior to anyone or anything having enuresis. In case anyone does not know what it is, I explain it in first person, as a patient. All people need to fulfill physiological requirements necessary for the proper fu ncionamiento of our body, for example, we eat, go to the bathroom to urinate and sleep at least eight hours. This can be fully structured and can get the body to mark a pattern of behavior, so that within limits these actions are performed within a time slot, more or less calculated. Some people get up in the morning the first thing they do is go to the bathroom. Still others quietly after lunch go to the bathroom. Other at a certain time they enters a hopeless dream and rise every day of the year at the same time. Put it this way, we have shaped our vital functions. However, some people do not have that facility for several reasons. Thing that happens to you Enuresis. Is the lack of physiological, ie, to contain the pee during sleep. In my case in particular is because I am mentally ill, no matter what, or what I take. To my mind work properly I have to take medication during the day will not affect anything, but when it's naptime or night, do not control the ability to wake up to urinate because of deep sleep where I go . I feel so embarrassed. This is a side effect of medication. The main thing is my mental health but does not mean that overwhelm me. It's all a pain, because raisins hours a day as a normal person. If you're going to go to work and give up as they come, if you have to compare the purchase price and choose the one that suits you, if you do have to drive with caution and care not to have any traffic accident the day ... you are an absolutely normal and no one can sin as Alart enuresico because you do not give any symptoms of your illness. But when night falls .- panics you wet the sheets tonight or not? More than one night I have been taking a shower at three in the morning. Putting a washer and has make my bed back. I try not to drink plenty of fluids from eight in the evening. If I have very thirsty I drink half a glass of water. I pee before bed, almost as a pathology, even if you win and look forward to this night to rest and calm dry, knowing full well that this will not happen. Some diapers, I am one of them, but the pee is so great that stands the diaper. Is a sentence every night, I never lie quiet and always think the same thing before bed, "will party tonight and I can sleep in peace" that puts limits Enuresis are catastrophic. You can not sleep away from home, and if you do you to face some embarrassing situations. I remember one of my last trip, my cousins \u200b\u200bwho now live in the Canary Islands there invited me to spend a few days. I, not to bother you much, I said I was in a hotel. They opposed from the outset but I was firm in my position and eventually relented. The hotel was called Paradise Canaries, it is embarrassing now, I asked the lady who looked after the hotel desk for a single room for a week, I gave the keys of the two hundred and seven and I registered. So far so normal, I asked, please, if you could talk to Mr. director, told me to wait a minute. The wait was over twenty minutes. The same girl I'm looking for in the hall and asked me to accompany her. I followed behind the bar went through a few corridors and opened a door that read in black letters "Address." - Good morning, dij or well-dressed gentleman of thirty-eight, Good morning, answer, My name is Rafael León and came to ask a small favor while I stay here. He told me his name, Mr. Sierra, and what was the favor to see if it was within their means help or otherwise beyond their competence. I have nocturnal enuresis will, if a species of somnambulism, No, no, nothing like that, perhaps more problematic, talk, talk, you listen, well, enuresis is the inability to control urination during sleep, I bring my luggage but not enough diapers so I would ask the favor of always having the fourth-linen clean and change the sheets every day because I smell like urine, drink also put in my room that is two hundred and seven a waterproof mattress cover for the mattress to suffer as little as possible and tell the waitresses that very likely find my bed wet every day. (At last I let go). A cold sweat I fell down the temple. I was in a rarefied atmosphere, just tell my secret an unknown and this could affect the daily operation of the hotel. Mr. Sierra I think she was somewhat impressed with my frankness. - Okay, assume everything I asked, and let me tell you something, you are a very brave person even if the problem of Urosis, Enuresis, Mr. Sierra, Enuresis. What would you do? Do you have thought a better idea to tell the truth?. In my mental illness, my other workhorse, I'm much better. I have fewer delusions and my psychiatrist, I have seen over the last recovered. I told him about enuresis, and has changed my medication, I drink less at night and more during the day. This makes I find myself with a little apathy but I am coping well. Now nighttime urination are not daily and it is important to me. A multinational food, which is based in Aranda del Duero, has invited some of the company, to spend a weekend at their facilities in order to launch a series of are new products for people who can not take gluten. They want us to participate in this project and we see in first person if appropriate processing procedures. My first thing that popped into my head you know what it is, right? All delegates received it one way or another: I already had plans for that weekend, great! Never I've been in Aranda del Duero, etc., etc., while I was thinking whether or not to take the diapers. I have never had formal partner since I have this problem before if, with absolute normality. But since I fell sick with nerves by separation with my partner, my life has changed completely. How do you explain your a woman taking forty-four years can make you pee in the bed as if you were a child of six? How do you explain having to sleep in a diaper? I go out at night on weekends, with friends, but I will not link, lest they get lucky and have to explain or to stay awake all night. Well, I tried to explain something about the enuresis, I hope I you have understood how difficult it is to live with this disease.



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