Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How Much Alcohol In A Strawberry Daiquiri


As nursing students who have lived in an apartment with others, we share our experience with you:
Like everything has its good side and bad side.
First, the good side is that you learn to live @ sun and become independent, you can come and go as you want without having to explain to anyone, you can have parties in your flat and the next morning to see a guy or chick sleeping in your sofa they do not know anything ... .. But also, you usually create a good atmosphere because you are always surrounded by young people learn to live with people outside the family.
But now enter the ugliness of the case. And is that sometimes appear some problems: when to divide household chores all went very well, however, we forget the small detail spread shifts scrubbing. Gradually, as we saw the dishes and silverware piled in the sink and scrubbed always the same ... .. hopefully everything is solved, even though we spent a little hard time. Another year, we agree with a kid who spent three months on the floor. During this period rather than three, we were four, because the bride spent all that time stuck there. We thought that she spent more time on the floor that we, until we talk to them and solved the problem. As you can see the bad side always tempt a solution and although living in an apartment is hard work, is a unique experience not to forget where you meet many people and learn to solve problems through the floor. It is definitely a step towards maturity. Paloma Alonso

Limiñana Sardón and Irene Pérez (Practicum 3 DUE)


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