Friday, April 29, 2011

Heather Harmon Watch Online

O-Timos expired

Sometimes I get the email alerts of scams for dissemination and good Samaritans, we are dedicated to Repeat Copy exponentially into the email accounts of our acquaintances (do not say because one loses friends friendship with the crap they send us.)
a couple of days ago I get a message warning of a scam that was that I got a message to the mobile alerting you that you had frozen accounts and to unlock them, you had to go to, which I cleaned the account book as meddle. I sent up a screenshot of the page. You only have to enter the page to check that no longer exists as mentioned, even if you offer it if you want to get that domain.

The other is titled "FW: STATEMENT OF INCOME", coinciding with this time of year that we have to scratch our pockets.
The text was this:
I tell you, I received an email, theoretically the Ministry of Finance saying that: After seeing my statement, had detected a fault me \u200b\u200bfor € 284 and had to fill in a questionnaire that appear when you click on the e-mail. As I've smelled very fishy, \u200b\u200bI called and told me that they have had more calls in this regard. When you give the details of your account for you to make income, you clean it.
So no, look out. Reenviéis I ask you this email to your colleagues
anyone bites.
Nothing else see it was time I came to the nose that was a hoax (the lies that everyone takes for certain because everybody says so). Put some text in google and ... Link
I think that is enough to prove that it is false because the article is from last year and is sending the message this year. The people who spread the messages given by seasons forgotten like a fad.

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big word, we are all filled with the mouth when the pronounce, but in many cases, friendship is just that, words .....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

3 Days Before My Period Cervix Position

D-3 days for the League 1st Division Clubs: Meeting Alcorcón

Today has gone the entry list. For 4 consecutive year I will participate in 1 st division, which years ago was unthinkable and now, due to the low level of athletics, it is totally logical lack of staff.
In Europe, after the mark of 3000, I predicted easily lose 25 or even beat my 24:42 mark. After some health problems and informal training and broken, my prediction is quite far from that, but still think I can at least finish on 25 minutes. Viewing
arrived, I have practically impossible to be in the top 5 if there are no disqualifications. To be 6, should be in my level of March, because he pulled a few seconds to my colleague and a kid behind me was Alcorcón in Cto. of Spain for a few seconds. Now I think I can fight the 7 th place at this kid like much, but will be delivered best to avoid last place.
I will agree with "my brother" Cesar on track, something I've never done and always agree Alcolea and I will face again at the Decathlon Kondy walkers, in this case and Sanchis Marín (Josechu be preparing the veteran of 30 European kms.).
I would say that post and make bets on brand but, lately, this blog is not being very active with the readers, but I hope that at least do not get bored a lot with my bullshit. My bet, 7 and 25:30

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Beat Bloons For Iphone

D-Cto. Europe Veteran Route (Thionville-Yutz)

For you to go to this tournament, today I found that it is the entry list. Compared to the one on the page the RFEA would require contact with Paco Martín and Antonio González therefore do not appear in the list on the homepage, or 10 or 30.
For now, I leave the link of registered that you may see your opponents.
imagine this list will not be the final knowing that missing 2 of us.
In M35, the 10 kms. I've only seen Borsch, Durand-Pichard and a Swede Svensson unknown to me (yet) they will face Ruben, Piñol and I hope that Pacorro. Already in the 30 will increase with Avellaneda but I've only seen the above list because it seemed more urgent to alert those who are not on the list.

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How about let me tell you a bit my experiences in my sexual life is not very usual to make these comments, but even if it seems we can serve helpful. Making love is completely natural and man I remember I lost my virginity au Na age is not very usual, and had over 20 years and really do not remember if I already suffered from mental illness. But then a few years later and did have the disease and it took me getting to know a girl from a village near Seville.
At first I did not want to comment so soon that he suffered from schizophrenia for fear of rejection, rejection always ... as I'm sure you feel the most. I waited two months and being in a nightclub, no proper place to say something so the subject came up, I do not know where but in the end I told this to my girlfriend ... baby that I have to say something that is important and you might be pretty shocking ... You tell me? , Tell me what's wrong baby? .. I am sometimes as much exaggerated as I put the thing through the roof and thought that she had AIDS, cancer or any of these diseases, deadly and we began to clear was totally intrigued overwhelmed, worried, and up to half weeping, she begged me tell me baby ... that's what you have? please! I say, I have schizophrenia .... and of course I waited her reaction, as it was, That scared the hell! I thought it was bad! Uff ...., luckily I took off my weight.

When having sex with her and subsequent girlfriends or casters for the truth that I could hardly get a lot to ejaculate, but many do not know what was causing all that and was beaten. I thought I could have sexual problems and everything goes through your mind as well I think that influenced disease, it does so personally influenced the sexual aspect. I was worried as I ate a lot normal head and entered me paranoid or bizarre thoughts and even unrealistic.

Currently this problem is not present, fortunately, I had sex with my girl well, she is fully aware of all my staff, he knows everything completely and I assure you that it helped me a lot mentally and sexually, we have 100% filing in almost all respects.

Well I now I have no problems at all when having sex, let alone if my partner feels the same as me for it, hopefully it lasts.

Greetings to all. PMR

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½ cup oil ½ cup white wine 1 large onion
pieces 5 cloves garlic, minced 1
tablespoon of flour to cook artichokes
3 small potatoes peeled
5 ¼ clam


PREPARATION Boil water abundant and peeled potatoes first salt until tender, take off and in the same water now check the artichokes, peeled and cut in half, simmer for about 15 or 20 minutes. Apart from boiled with half a glass of water and white wine clams until they open, move away and strain the broth steeping.
In a saucepan put the oil and check it, the onion and garlic into pieces matches the bottom when done, add the flour stirring every few minutes, then we add the artichokes, potatoes and clam broth, boil for 5 minutes over medium heat to blend flavors, a minute before casting aside over shelled clams. READY TO EAT


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gettingpregnant Games

C-The problem of the 30 hats

I cachis ... for once rightly 424 other people also do not touch me the draw. On Saturday, I commented as "The Country" and the Royal English Mathematical Society, which had prepared a competition with recreational math problems for people to contest. I've caught later and learned in the sixth problem.
At first, I thought a simple solution for 5 minutes and I explained if someone wanted to participate because it was not my intention, since my only entertainment worth me and bite me (what I pick?).
The problem came later, in bed, my mind said "Nanai" and had to optimize the solution. The link to the problem and the solution is here But now I explain, if you're curious, as I came to the solution and more stupid that I lost sleep. This is what I wrote to "The Country":
The number of prisoners who are being saved with this strategy is safe. 29
Let X be the number of hats, white hats from 1 to 29. 29
When an odd number, no difference in parity between X and 29-X.
The strategy will be to target the 30 th state if X is even and black if odd.
Prisoners 1 to 29 °, with the information of 30 degrees, know whether X is even or odd. The prisoner ith (i = 1 ,..., 29) counts the number of white hats, both it looks like those who said his teammates back in the queue position (except the 30 th). If the parity of X-hat {i} is different from X, the prisoner's hat color is white ith to maintain the parity of X. If the parity of X-hat {i} is the same as that of X, then the hat color is black i-th.

The process to achieve this was as follows (the 29 prisoners arrive at 3:35 in the morning and could not get it out of the head): -15
prisoners saved: I started with the most logical if the prisoner said the 30 º predominant color among the predecessors, it was ensured that 15 prisoners were saved.
-20 Prisoners saved: If the inmate 30 º for white if the color of 28 º and 29 º are the same black and otherwise, both the 28 th and 29 th will know their color as the 29 th know the color of the 28 th and vice versa. -25
saved prisoners: prisoners are used 26 º to 30 º to define the number of white hats from 1 to 25 ° in binary form (white = 0, black = 1). With 5 prisoners can be set from 0 to 31, which is required to get 25 or less. As the top 25 know the color of the remaining 24 would be saved.
-26, 27, 28 and 29 prisoners saved: I realized that not necessary to put into binary integer as doing it for white caps modules was also possible to determine with accuracy, so I reduced the number of inmates that defined the number of white caps in binary form up to modulo 2.

If you see the solution, almost the Trace. I thought, foolishly, I thought I was going to play because my solution was very original and possibly be out there in a book of riddles. As you will say now that it is very easy to say "I knew" the solution ahead, I pledge to put the solution and the process as I reached it, the next challenge. Sure
now become very difficult and make the most of the ridiculous, and everyone I copy the solution and earn books at my expense. We must not be greedy and share my ideas for others to gain (fantasma! !!!).

Where Is Gordon Spotting Scope Made

Hey man, that Makanaky rúlame. THE NBA ZAMPABOLLOS

entry Maybe if I start saying I come here to talk about the player Cyril Makanaky few know who the hell I'm going to talk. If I did this in a blog of stoners probably the popularity of the character was much greater and is that to understand this we must start from the beginning.
gave rise to fame to be part of the selection of Cameroon in Italy 90 world. Coincided with a great generation that failed to reach the quarterfinals the World Cup and become the great revelation of the tournament. As often happens in a tournament of such an impact clubs are always quick to sign all members of the selection surprise with mixed results. Sometimes the play turns out well and others get big clubs to nurture mediocre players. After completing the global
Makanaky was quickly signed for Malaga, who was then playing for second. In what should not repair the Andalusian club scouts is that Makanaky was called for global having played only 4 games all season . Something strange was brewing ...

Makanaky Unsurprisingly, the star of Málaga, disappoint. In his first season finished fourth in the second year fell to second B.
But what Makanaky Malacitana stalled in the hobby is being a regular in bars and nightclubs in the area, apart from the companies. Bad.
Apparently it was common to see him smoking some heavy partying galore. So much so that in Málaga became known as the petas 'Makanakys' and gradually fun codename that was expanding all over Spain to the point that he gave me the idea to write all this was a colleague mine that I heard that from Makanaky. The colleague and you like football, much less know who Cyril Makanaky.

His passion for partying and crapulencia has spread beyond our borders and is also known as chile Makanaky those gifted kids. And yes, I mean those of good dick.

Finally, as final review on this curious character I speak of the known as 'Curse of Makanaky' borne by the Barcelona of Ecuador.

Legend has it that the withdrawal Makanaky football in 1997 due to payment problems with his last club: the Barcelona of Ecuador. Apparently Makanaky owed $ 200,000 and seeing that he was going to be able to get, put a curse on the club that would prevent him from winning a title until you pay.
No one knows for sure what it is the curse, some say that bones buried near the stadium, others asked two rival team witches curse the club and even a final version that says send a T-shirt barcelona guayaquil of a witch Cameroon for them to sink into misery.

any case, the barcelona has gone from being the most successful club in Ecuador to gain nothing from 1997. The director of Barcelona has taken action the issue and has hired the Virgin of Sorrows to help them get rid of misfortune hanging over the club. (Do not know you could hire a virgin)
is also common to see as witches and santeros gather at the gates of the stadium to eliminate once and for all the curse.

In Bilbao we have the Virgin of Begoña, but it takes us almost 30 years without a case.

So you know dear readers, do not you carry Makanaky ye may thrust to lose and if you like smoking, smoking a Makanaky as a tribute to our favorite Cameroon.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dream Syndicate Medicine Show Reissue

C-William Golding: The Lord of the Flies

For the first time in the history of this blog I will say that a book I liked. My personal opinion is I do not want to influence anyone else's and what for some is good, for others it may be a crap and vice versa (remember I'm a fan of Harry Potter).
This book for me was unknown until just 2 weeks. They put it as an audiobook on a page that I frequent and reading the argument I found interesting: The adventures of children who, after a plane crash found on a desert island without adults. So far I found a version of Robinson Crusoe adapted to children until they started reading.
The airplane is something that is sensed, but no wreckage or nowhere to explain why. The way of describing the facts did not like because there are things that are not clear, if the parachutist, who had it not been for the previous summary or I find out it goes. It may be a bad translation, but the style of the version I read it was, counting things in a very busy in some respects.
At first when I read that there were children under 6 years, I started a bit overwhelmed with the reading as I imagined my older son in those circumstances and the helplessness that would be. When I was small, living in a village next to the field, with 10 years knew how to build a cabin and, if necessary, using stones and leaves for hygiene purposes, but not me if this generation could pass without the Playstation.
As he read, to see reason and logic rules were ingor and trampled by a group of anarchists (I think it is the first time I use this word), reading I was pissed (good relationship with the title) . It was a clear analogy with the generation "nini" and parasites of society in which we live, but this book has over 50 years, so imagine the political overtones were different at the time.
short, my reading I was overwhelmed and the final was a truncation of the story, but finished with the burden, did not deserve it. For those who do not like to read, have a version peliculera 1990. I

Labeled Titanic Diagram

Hello everyone I am writing this text to tell you how it went Easter this year, no one can ignore the role of rain, a major drawback that has left many fraternities unable to do their season of penitence. Truth when I saw the rain saw sadness and many people waiting for their image is come out to the street, but only saw tears and despair, but hey we're going to do until the year 2012 to see if we are lucky and we see our Guild through the streets of Seville.
I belong to the brotherhood of Our Lady of Hope Macarena and the truth this morning I saw pictures that anyone would face is white of deep pain to see my Lady did not come out. I spent the morning crying and unable to sleep, but hey, what I usually say, "whoever wishes to see the Esperanza Macarena, you do not go see it in the morning, this whole day in his basilica." I long to see that I am proud that I do when she opens the doors of his house. Do not know what else to say, and finally an indication that it is surprising, to 80 years that Easter was a time Sevillana not bad but good, we must look forward and that next year is amazing for all a greeting David.

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Don Francisco was an older man. Would be about seventy. Its role in the brotherhood was to collect the monthly bills of the brothers who have not had resident per bank. It was a job that will entertain, because I had to spend all day on the street, from side to side and also had contact with people, which he liked, to be very friendly and helpful person. The downside of the job was that she had to drive di nero, and that made him carry a great responsibility, because it was money from the guild. This was intended to improve the service provided to them siblings, or buy flowers for the Virgin Mary in their coronation .... In short, the responsibility was serious and did not like Don Francisco. Him feel unsafe carrying two or three hundred euros in my pocket. Also because it finance all the events organized by the Brotherhood, both with the money collected by banks as it charged Don Francisco, is doing charity work. Youth group in the guild, made up of teenage brothers, went out every winter night with hot soup and sandwiches and summer with gazpacho and sandwiches to the homeless. " Most of the money they used was out of money brought Don Francisco. The tickets that were brought easier to manage to walk out of money from the bank.
For these reasons and because Don Francisco is felt every day a little more tried to speak with the pastor of the church
"Look, Mr. Bartholomew, I think it's time to be giving way to new generations that are so enthusiastically pulling of this brotherhood. I am old, I know, but I love to work, but I have fear of taking up so much money, I feel helpless and at my age is little I can do but is a weak complaint if they try to mug me, the and you my job to another, which in this brotherhood I have a very good estimate, I will continue to meet my penance each Holy Thursday as my body allows me, but my heart will not let me is to take the responsibility of having that amount of money and walk down the street with the fear of losing. He even thought he could replace me, right where a man is, and worthy of confidence. Don Bartholomew, you hear these words that spring from the depths of my heart as a plea or a plea and willingness to make them possible.
-Don Francisco, has served you and the golden jubilee as a brother. Has always been willing to cooperate in everything that has been asked. His understanding and temper their faith in God has been reflected in every action he has done from here, "and put her "Hand on heart, so I can not deny your request. Their services have been very useful. In place that will be highlighted play for defending this brotherhood of any other benefit, has struggled as an archangel would serve the Lord himself, what else can you ask a man to another when it has seen its sacrifice for their fellows? I understand you, Don Francisco, he replaced his post from this very moment.
"Thank you, Don Bartholomew, do not you know it takes my weight off, thank you very much, I will immediately inform the older brother. The church was
basilica and the apse had three steps in order to give greater relevance to the masses. I had a rose behind a stained glass window where Don Francisco fixed his eyes as he climbed the three steps and inadvertently stumbled, turning his head on the baptismal font. Don Bartolomé thought he had killed on how the bang sounded. Then you turn itself sovereign with the whole face covered in blood. He had made a breakthrough in the eyebrow and that's more outrageous than harm. Don Bartholomew asked how he was. He responded with a tremendous pain in this part of here, I'm signal right eyebrow, "Let us go to my office come there is a stack and I have a kit," said the pastor.
The pastor the toilet, cleaned the wound and put iodine on the scar. And just scare the shirt was bloody.
- Ande! Try on this shirt there as he is, "and he is bien.-For lunch today you fence me to be that this wound is only superficial. Don Francisco had no choice but to accept what the pastor as he proposed and was a widower, no one was waiting at home.
Don Bartholomew and Don Francisco walked chatting sobe time of penance that was already approaching. Missing just thirty and seven days to Maundy Thursday and reached the door of a mansion. It was the vicarage. Had at least three maids and a cook, because the priest said, tell the cook Today we are two to eat. Immediately he went to Don Francisco, let's take a Jerez, and he accepted very willingly.
"I never imagined I would have me living here .-
guest said" I inherited all my parents, I'm an only child and everything they possessed, wealthy merchants, I gave it to me. When
food on the table rich delicacies. Carving a chicken, a pig, soup, toast, sole, lots of fruit, red and white wine, shrimp, clams and seafood dishes that Don Francisco or recognize. Fence, fence, that if you are the canons of the austerity he said to himself.
After lunch came the dessert with a glass of sweet wine a toast. Don Francisco was increasingly caught in the opulence that that priest lived. Then the priest took the floor, - valleys room chairs. He opened a bottle of Cardhu and poured two cups, one will be offered to the guest. He opened a glass case and pulled out two cigars, giving back to Don Francisco.
-train takes you a very high life
-I can afford it, that's all. May this serve our lord father, creator of the universe, does not mean you have to deprive myself of pleasure that man has made for man, so yes, if God had not wanted on earth had never come to us. It is like when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, also brought there anything here we did not have and was a revolution. Did you know that the potato was brought to the top as food for horses? And look today, this in our diet as almost indispensable, I want to say is that being from a wealthy family does not take away my devotion to God. A Don Francisco
seems "a rather do what I say and not as I do", and he was losing the respect and confidence they had placed in the priest. How can a man who has lost their lives in the hands of God Jesus Christ, that had nothing up more than a cloak to cover her and a stick to lean, live at the waste of the senses? And Don Francisco doubted even his vow of chastity.
- Well, Mr. Bartholomew, it is time qe me go, has been a pleasure to be invited by you to a lunch fit for a king
"Well, Don Francisco, do not be so flattering
Don Francisco did not leave amazement. He had seen so much pomp could not understand, how he had to go from house to house collecting fees brothers who could hardly afford them and the pastor of the church ended their lunches with a Montecristo and Cardhu?. Was this a contradiction or is it just like him? Certainly not understand it. But his age little amazed by it were very brazen. While this waste of the senses, especially hedonism, deeply impressed him.

black pen

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Since I suffer from this disease, and the crisis I've had, the issue of sexuality I have not done anything well. Although I believe that if he had a girlfriend would have helped me to pull ahead and I would have gone much better, even if now would be a great moral support and encouragement to help me keep fighting with my illness d. I live in a small town and I have seen chavalas very upset and I have "the label. "
Following the treatment I had at the beginning of my illness, I became very weak, sometimes even I could satisfy me that did not quite achieve my goal, because of the treatment so strong that even if I had wanted and took what I tried was impossible. Then I had another season in which even try to sleep with women in the street but could not one of them it was impossible. For more we tried the thing and I did not come as a failure, treatment so strong that he had left me useless. Then start following the sport, it seems that things have changed a bit, meet me when I can, although there are some times I try not to get it either and I think which is due to treatment. J.

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For reasons unrelated to the organization to change the timing of THE FIRST OLYMPICS "TOGETHER FOR THE BALL AND MENTAL HEALTH" and passed to the DIA MAY 19, in the same place and with the same schedule.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Ep 03

O-killing flies with cannon

mailto, mailto moo. It is actually silly but is annoying me much. Tonight I have not slept a wink for the pain I had, which is intense but not entirely, if annoying.
For those who still do not know, I have a deviated septum. I trade because I do not like hospitals much less the operating room, so the idea that I split the nose with a beefy recompose me makes me not a shred of grace. They say it would improve my performance but I'm not going to risk to try it because at the moment I'm doing well. Unless Part I in a fight, for which many people are willing to "fix" the nose, I do not think that comes through my own foot for repair.
Well, that, together with a large mucus is causing it to collapse the tube me me down (rather than not work) and this accumulation is expanding my Ear and teeth that hurt me a lot. Fearing a cavity or an undetected ear infection this morning I went to the emergency room for me to have a look. After confirming that he had nothing of this, the doctor told me "I command a corticosteroid and ready in about 4 days", to which I said no, that was the official competition and could not take it from the doping issue.
would have to have very bad luck to touch me, but there is a chance it would be a humiliation that I suspended for doping with everything out there and nothing happens. I insisted on that would be 4 days and I answered that those 4 days would be 2 years and I have stayed with paracetamol and endure the pain.
My medical knowledge are not great, but I think a lot send steroids to something like what I have. That if I remove it in a "Pispas" but the effects are not to me leave me, and when I really needed to do what?. You have to maintain some consistency and not be killing flies with cannon fire.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ford Radio, Ipod, No Sound

D-9 days for the Club League 1 st Division

Earlier this week, despite my sincerity, saying he had made a ridiculous test of 5 kms. at 26:20, I said it was part of the pre-selection to compete in the league match my club has in Alcorcón. At the beginning of the season was the 4 th team and after the Championships. of Spain and Europe, I became the 1 st. Now with those pesky disease of many boogers and joint pain, I do not look so good.
Today, after 3 days not training earlier this week and not sleep a wink all night because of the puzzle that blew the hats that I was on tenterhooks all night (an ordeal, worse than a nightmare), I confirmed that my series have deteriorated to levels prior to European. If not for lack of the same motivation or fitness because last week was great until Friday. No one can go to train and throw all the while plugging one nostril to drive the snot on the other and then, in the absence of tissue ... good total, the clothes should be washed anyway. I mean by plugging one nostril because the other can not remember if I ever worked.
We still have 9 days, so I hope that a recovery BOUT, not me, but my other team mate and not have to go to Alcorcón. Not that I want to go, but I'm afraid to make a mess and lose motivation I had in the past competitions.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nadine Jansen's Model

C "The problem of hats (the country)

The newspaper "El Pais" has released today the sixth mathematical challenge proposed by the Royal English Mathematical Society. This is a collaborative game strategy group, and we must determine the best strategy from ignorance. The answer I think you can send up on Monday if anyone is interested in participating. Here I leave the Link .
My proposal is this, but I will not send, so if anyone is interested you can use it:
Among all prisoners, they decide that the last of the line, seeing all the hats, say the color that predominates in most of the hats. As you can see 29, at least 15 will be the same color and that is to say. Thus saved 15 prisoners safe.
is what just happened to me, but if anyone has a better strategy, that comment, I'm all ears.

PS: Forget to send that response. Last night at 3:35 in the morning got a strategy to save 29. That if that command.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beville Compact Breadmaker Br6

D-Advantages and disadvantages of a Royal Madrid-FC Barcelona

to me the furgol I care very little, almost nothing, only see the parties of the selection and not all because I was bored. What I dislike is the amount of fanatics who move around the world and take the opportunity to vent their frustrations. It would be fair to say that all are disadvantages. In fact, we could say that I have seen many advantages so far because of the "party of the century", which this year is not so much because there are 4 almost straight.
When he returned home from work, has not received any calls leadership whatsoever in the last minute. Could trivialize even saying today that the robberies were common early hours in advance. The streets and roads almost empty, thus saving fuel and pollutes less (much more effective than the 110 kilometers). Crowded bars, increasing the circulation of capital for the activation of the economy. Tourism to Valencia also enabled more number of trains, buses and hotels, so most economic activity and new cash flow.
disadvantages we will have after the game where fans of both teams, win or lose (at this time step even look at the result), they'll break things rolling and clashing with police, hoping to be the least possible .
today may also increase due to family squabbles that have disputes furgol see or go see the Easter steps (where no rain, of course, because where rains have left the furgoleros benefit). Just dial
Madrid, had to be posted in the club of compis and would have been 70 euros because it was the result predicted. Safe bet that if the result had been different, but they have gambling. Summarizing
many scattered ideas, it would be nice a home match of these every 2 or 3 months to revive the economy over all, although I think after the fifth classic this year, and we tired of hearing about these guys and change the channel .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Main charge filed against Marta Domínguez

(as) Mercedes Pérez Barrios The judge has dismissed a provisional basis, the main charge that keeps the athlete doping English Marta Domínguez since last December, to understand that the substance used by Palencia is not prohibited nor penalties, reports the newspaper''The World''in today's edition, April 20 ... More

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lost Combination To Master Lock Cable For Bike

CN-The human being extinguished

This entry does not have anything to do with Nostradamus or any other prophet. It is a vision of the future, but the harshest reality. The man, fortunately, is extinguished by how silly it is.
animal instinct makes the species try to get the best genetic makeup to their offspring and so get more and better offspring.
In most Where is the female who decides, chooses the strongest and largest, for which the males often fight each displacing older and weaker individuals.
males, as indicated by this article wolf spider on the way of example, tend to prefer young females. The reason is that fertility is greater and therefore are more likely to spread their genes. The cannibalism of insects with respect to the partners but I think something hard, thoughtful, and avoid the subject of infidelity.
However, the man is a useless and so is doomed to extinction. According to the logic, men prefer women with broad hips and breasts large offspring have a good guarantee, ie something like
But drools and falls for inappropriate things like this:

So nothing, to wait calmly extinction.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good News Message Example

D-Are you starting going downhill? Concentration

Today I made a test of 5 kms. I thought it necessary to see how I shape after not having a clear reference in Guadix for possible incorrect measurement.
promised me the series very happy because I are going very well. 23 series of 200 at a rate less than 52 seconds and 4 series 1000 (4:37-4:39-4:45-4:48) is something that told me I'm better than for Europeans, so losing 25 was something totally feasible.
I go to a comfortable pace and within the first km. at 4:38, the next step to start around 5:11 and eat the coconut. No way. But you can still get worse, 5:29 and 5:41 the following. The latter, trying to squeeze, 5:21. Total 26:20. Where are the results of my training?
Prior to 2 series of 3000 and I came out better times, but today I think that has been through something so they do not come out as expected. Ando touched her throat and sore left knee but not for that matter.
I think my participation in the first day League seriously compromised.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Trailer Without A Title Ontario


On May 22 will be held in Olhao (Portugal) European Cup in March. The list of participants has not yet been published, but there is a concentration prior to school for it. List concentrated.
The women's team I think is clearly defined with the 4 summoned, but the men do not see it yet defined. In principle, there are only 7 to 8 seats concentrates:


in 20, supposed get the top 3 Championships. Spain and Benjamin, who showed he was well in Podebrady. That would leave 50 to Ferrán, hooks and more someone Claudio unconcentrated. Assuming that Mike and Jose Ignacio may rest, they are already qualified for the World Cup, missing the square should be to Prieto, who hope not to leave out.
All this in my guess, since we almost always last minute surprises.
This year I have not even bothered to make an 20 because I know that I was going to leave out of choice, despite my great evolution and "peazo" fitness. I was so disappointed because I did not even start to look to see if I find that I have Andorra or Cyprus a relative to prove myself. I will settle the championship of cops, there is no coach who can not appreciate my qualities.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Obstruction Of The Descending Colon

European Cup Championships. Clubs Andalucia

Belonging to a club outside of Andalusia, I can not participate in this test and sometimes I have the bug. However, it was not to participate in this event which made me leave the CAIM and therefore lose the opportunity to participate.
was in 2007 and had prepared the world of cops and firefighters in Australia. As was held in March, my peak form (although it was a ridiculous peak) was shifted with respect to the season "normal." Competing in May and I came along, but I kept crusher (relatively in my level) to participate in this test. Unfortunately, the club decided not to participate because we were not effective and it affected me because the club was competing with the motivation to continue training. She loved to compete with the red and always wore my nails to make the 4x100 and the 4x400 after the march. This year do not participate and I hope that does not affect their participation in the veteran clubs. Displaying
participants, Unicaja Jaen and Nerja Cave should be the first 2 without being able to specify the order. For the third place, logic dictates that the Algeciras, however not affected as they will decline last year. In category female, I think the Cueva de Nerja is the clear favorite, having to take the podium the other 2 teams above in the male.
For walkers and walkers, noting the presence of Raya, and Fabian Peralbo Bernabe, and the return of Julio Carmona and Victor unexpected result, I'll never know as a walk way. Under Macarena Rocío Ruiz and must fight for women's victory.
These results will come down even more my position in the ranking of 5 kms. because it appears my brand of 26:47 to lack of participation by 5 kms. until day 1, if I call for league clubs. Auxi yesterday

Civ 4 Advanced Strategies

FUTSAL CHAMPIONSHIP Unite for the ball and mental health "

On Wednesday we played the group game against prison psychiatric hospital I arrive late for personal reasons, I was playing goalie and I threw a few blow from a ball, some quite hard but I some stops. The match was tough, we were winning most of the game until the end we drew, El Salvador was Paco Pepe's goal in the last minute. All played very well, we work hard, but we still have a team a little lopsided. They pressed a lot, and although they had last year's team had a very strong team. The result was 7 to 6 to us. Unfortunately the second leg we will not be able to play because we have no means to go to the hospital psychiatric prison is in Alcala de Guadaira and no bus line to move up there, 3 to 0 for them. BAD LUCK

Jose Manuel
Sierra Rivera.

Titleist Ap2 Pic Fakes


When I'm not good bed I eat. Before going to bed at night, I put the alarm clock to wake up in the morning and fall asleep. Suen morning on Wake me up, to turn it off and then I go to bed, I have no strength to stay awake. I get up to eat I go to the room and when I see the bed I can not resist and I shot pool and go back to sleep. Usually sleep from 16 to 17 hours every day because I wake up and I can not get up because I'm very tired and I have no strength to stand up "The bed I eat." I am very tired and when I wake up, the bed is calling me, I get to eat and then I feel very tired and I can not stay awake. The more I sleep more I sleep, not what really happens is that I'm poised and I can not make a normal life, the bed and I can not catch me out of it. Raúl García

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pokemon Bedroom Border

C-Elena Project

My sister sent me this link . I will not to repeat the content since it is already stated there all in detail.
Some time ago we spoke to who would be interested in participating, but the NGO "Kiko without borders" go a bit saturated and can not devote the time it deserves. My experience with the program Asker perhaps would be of assistance by the type of algorithms and patterns used in the generation of psycho, but I think taking back a team of psychologists and computer scientists, always make a better product.
At least I leave if you're interested family members or someone who has known neurological or psychiatric problems that can be rehabilitated, or who also have older people wish to maintain their cognitive fitness.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do Meagan Good Has Hiv

O-50000-D views

This blog has just reached 50,000 hits and this indicates that there are plenty of people who follow the stories I tell here. I say still, not like them, as of course I assume that many stories do not interest anyone, such as this.
Until today I have written about many issues and, according to statistics, there are people who come to them for information and may even have something useful out of them.
Some also have you been able to follow my progress in recent years and how, to train in the garage to not get wet, I happened to get a good result (in my level) internationally. That if those trophies that I have gotten so pathetic that I still remember "the walker pathetic."
for not having more rolls, I invite you to remember here in the comments story that you like, that I became more grace that I was more useful, and so on.
For crappy stories, I think it's best not to comment on and leave them there in oblivion.

How Much Alcohol In A Strawberry Daiquiri


As nursing students who have lived in an apartment with others, we share our experience with you:
Like everything has its good side and bad side.
First, the good side is that you learn to live @ sun and become independent, you can come and go as you want without having to explain to anyone, you can have parties in your flat and the next morning to see a guy or chick sleeping in your sofa they do not know anything ... .. But also, you usually create a good atmosphere because you are always surrounded by young people learn to live with people outside the family.
But now enter the ugliness of the case. And is that sometimes appear some problems: when to divide household chores all went very well, however, we forget the small detail spread shifts scrubbing. Gradually, as we saw the dishes and silverware piled in the sink and scrubbed always the same ... .. hopefully everything is solved, even though we spent a little hard time. Another year, we agree with a kid who spent three months on the floor. During this period rather than three, we were four, because the bride spent all that time stuck there. We thought that she spent more time on the floor that we, until we talk to them and solved the problem. As you can see the bad side always tempt a solution and although living in an apartment is hard work, is a unique experience not to forget where you meet many people and learn to solve problems through the floor. It is definitely a step towards maturity. Paloma Alonso

Limiñana Sardón and Irene Pérez (Practicum 3 DUE)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Ask People To Bring Food For A Potluck

Spain heads the list of doping

( Spain is under the scourge of doping. The count of the positive developments in the last year (from April 1 to April 1) in cycling and athletics (the two sports brunt of the banned substances) shows the way ahead English from other countries. The number of convicts (15) is almost double that of the second, Italy, with eight ... More

Ge Dishwasher Gsd2200 Dimensions

Växjö (Sweden) 07/16/1911

I leave this information already posted on the EEA forum only accessible to members a couple of weeks. Christer Svensson
A friend sent me some information from the test held in his city. I am sending you if there are any brave that wants to do 30 kms. ramp, or 20 or 10 as the cowardly like me.
The date is July 16. The club organizes AIS Christer Växjö which is the pressure.
Last year there was a mile and 35 kms. on track. There were 17 walkers in the mile and 5 in the 35000.
are expected this year at 10000 m 5-6, 1-2 3-7 at 20000 ft to 30000 m. Everyone comes together. Then, to have more desire to fly, there is also a mile.
I was told that I can participate in 2 events, but I think it relates to the mile and one more as you can imagine taking the time to step 10 if you do the same with 20 and 30.
The race will be held at the stadium Wärendsvallen (street Hejaregatan).
The closest hotel is the Scandic Växjö Hejaregatan on the same street, 19, approximately 800 meters.

To travel there are 2 recommended options:
* Spain-Växjö Stockholm by plane (more difficult by the schedule of aircraft Växjö)
* Spain to Copenhagen by plane and train to Växjö. The browser automatically gave me no options, so I went to the website of the Copenhagen airport and saw the companies that came from Malaga to find flights.
My flight is with the Norwegian company that goes directly from Malaga to Copenhagen. I'm 15 and I turn 18 and take the opportunity to go sightseeing with my wife in Copenhagen.
As curiosity did not know, in Denmark and Sweden using the euro, so it touches Exchange mess. In the I have better luck and is as in Switzerland, you admit in Zurich and Lugano minimum.

Gay Hook Up Spots Columbia, Sc

In life there are things that are not complementary. We head block in eating chorizo \u200b\u200band cream, and chirps same way we see a nun with two guns, it also makes us laugh even surprised to see a big sport. Aside sports like weightlifting or high, I am going to Habar of fat people (fat, fat, fat super-fat ...) that have become part of the best basketball league in the world: the NBA!

all know that before the sport was not as professionalized as now and lacked the physical rigor that exists today. Of Just as the NBA players have been great body of rubble, we could also enjoy the presence of such titans as Mel Turpin . This plump pivot, after going through the ranks of the Washington Bulletts, joined the Cleveland Cavaliers. At the time of signing for the Cavs, measured 2.11 meters long and weighed about 113 kilos. A few weeks later I was already at 120 kilos and to begin preseason training camp, had been planted in more than 140 kilos.

Turpin was a player with serious problems of concentration and discipline, and their coaches sweated blood to make it down to a reasonable weight for a man of his size could run without breaking ankles. Despite this he was traded to Utah, where he continued his love affair with food and their disagreement with the coach on duty. Utah coach was another famous big, hard Frank Layden. Asked about the contribution of Turpin's team the Jazz, said: "by Turpin, we managed to balance the bench for Utah this season. He sits at one end, I on the other and so we should not be lifted" .

The Fat Frank Layden and his assistant Jerry Sloan

course "Dinner Bell" Turpin was long team at the earliest opportunity and settled in Spain in the ranks of CAI Zaragoza. This continued wasting his talent while gobbling food record pace even been nicknamed Mel "Burgers" Turpin. Although it was now up by almost 150 kilos, its performance was good and won the beans (and the rest of the menu, of course).

One of the most glaring case was that of Thomas Hamilton , pivot of 2.18 and heavier than a Boeing 747. By joining the Boston Celtics in 1995, the team suspended him for being out of shape. Months after the team got him out of the disabled list, believing that he was fit to play, well, at that time Hamilton officially weighed 165 kilos!, so I do not want to imagine the burden I was carrying him away when the Celtics. He soon returned to their old ways and technicians in Boston suggested that he or down to 150 kilos or going to the fucking street. Hamilton, an expert on missed opportunities and disappoint those who wanted to help, did not bother trying to get in shape. Not surprisingly, years ago and being a few weeks for a tournament in which there were many scouts from the NBA, the agent of Hamilton came to visit and found a mass of 200 kilos lying on the couch at home.

Oliver Miller Another

zampabollos of the most illustrious in the history of the NBA has been Oliver Miller. known as "The Big O" , but not for their skills but rather for his remarkable body periphery, good old Oliver measured 2.06 meters and came to record in his years gulfs weighing 150 kilos. However, in his early years in the league gained fame playing in the powerful Phoenix Suns another "fat" as Charles Barkley, but gradually his carelessness and his big swallows were taking their toll on his game and his relationship with peers. Sir Charles himself came to say "You can not even jump far enough to touch the rim unless you put a Big Mac on top! " . His career was crushed and had to stop begging league contracts in Puerto Rico.

Curry frontal and profile: the cotton tricks

This season if you doubt that the big award year goes Eddy Curry. The pivot of 2.11 was chosen in the same draft Pau Gasol just one place behind the Catalan player, despite was hesitant about some good early season in the Chicago Bulls and New York Knicks. A series of injuries have allowed him to play only 10 games the past three seasons. Recently, the Miami Heat have been interested in him a temporary contract to assist the team in the play-off, but when Pat Riley gave him the eye to its more than 170 kilos of perimeter thought better and decided not to sign him for fear of being eaten to some of members of the Big Three .
These are just some examples, but there have been many other NBA players that have burdened his career for having a bad headache, poor discipline and a voracious appetite, and Robert "Tractor" Traylor, Bryant Reeves and Michael Sweetney .

Bryant Reeves, a large grizzly bear