Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spolszczenie Do M&b 1866

"Why the dog moves the tail? Because the dog is smarter than the tail if the tail were smarter it would move the dog."

This sentence begins movie "Wag the Dog" . A film that puts us in the following situation: The U.S. president is accused of sexual harassment a few weeks before the general election, and its directors and image consultants decide to invent a war with a country in Eastern Europe to divert attention . To give credibility to the matter, they hire a famous film director, the fictional war seasoned with striking special effects, serve as puncture slogans and even pretend a kidnapping behind enemy lines.

of this film I remembered these days, having seen the insane chain of duels between Barcelona and Madrid and the sad consequences of these clashes. Instead of football, we've just seen a really formatted as what really sells is that UEFA is corrupt, that Barcelona has spread tentacles in all sports institutions and all sports results are due to non-sporting conspiracies . As in the movie I started speaking, we have a number of actors playing to sell a commercial reality, but that's not reality.

To put it another way, we met with people less appropriate in the most inopportune times, creating the perfect breeding ground for a large campaign of manipulation and sectarianism. On the one hand we have as president of Real Madrid to a man with influence, much more than you think. Because a person who leaves a club in dire leaving sports, and again three years after the institution without even having to go through an election, it is certainly a man of power. Florentino Pérez may not be a "higher" , but an ordinary man can not get him to accept the reclassification of land Sports of the ancient city to raise her four towers reported 100,000 million pesetas. It is also a man who has supported almost majority of the media.

At a lower level than we have a coach like Mourinho, a man who seems eternally angry with the world, whose only currency is the triumph no matter how people do or have to be ahead. Tension and victories together hand in hand, the perfect ingredients for press: when Mourinho wins games, gives holders arsonists. Because, when a resultadista runs out of results, what's left?

Moreover, we are in the call "media war" , which apparently the hostages are the spectators. Unfortunately, the men in charge of this war are people of the likes of Alfredo Relaño, Eduardo Inda, Juan Antonio Alcalá, Jose Ramon de la Morena, Paco García Caridad and Josep Pedrerol. People who do not hesitate to sell his mother to the highest bidder and even put a bow if that they get a listener, a spectator or sale of a newspaper. People who create campaigns against players and coaches who denied exclusive interviews, people do not hesitate to alter images and distorted facts but does not arise rethink their fixed ideas, people who spread hatred and hate sport. Dangerous people.

And when things go wrong given, these people wagging his tail. Coinciding with the time of the Barcelona victory in the last three years, a succession of campaigns des information has been nauseating. To not go into depth in each case, just remember:
  • The persecution they underwent Eduardo Inda Ramón Calderón ("the accused" to the director of brand) for alleged fraud in postal voting . He was the first scapegoat for the ills of the successes of Madrid and Barcelona.
  • Other media decided to raise its game. The invention of "Villarato" , an alleged plot masterminded by Alfredo Relaño maddening consisting of a plot to systematically favor the Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis history (black) of journalism. If Barcelona wins is because villarato helps if the stumble is due to the persecution of villarato, if Madrid wins is a form of compensation villarato to cause a greater evil in the future to rival Barcelona. A very successful theory as fact ANY could contribute to that pipe dream called villarato. Jealous
  • the large draft of "villarato" Inda try to create new campaigns for fans to unite under a pseudonym. Arise and the "funk" : the theory that fear of victory and Real Madrid pressure are factors that cause erosion of Barcelona.
  • A breakpoint occurs with the achievement of the Champions League by Barcelona in 2009. If the home victories are due to villarato, victories in Champions are the work of "euro-villarato" . A theory of Alfredo Relaño shared and extended by Tomás Roncero in the "ball point" and that over the years has been acquiring branches, as the "command Qatar", the "command Unicef," the "command Platini" ... Diarrhea Information
  • also comes to the airwaves: with sources dubious, anonymous, Juan Antonio Alcalá (COPE) casts doubt that the victories of Barcelona due to widespread doping practices.
  • But do not just throw false accusations and distorted facts, it also distorts images. If in times past was used for photo retouching to wipe out political enemies, the newspaper AS gives a twist and uses it to get rid of players in questionable plays for Barcelona to the glory of villarato.

In short, the dog wags the tail and look gawking expected. For years they have been villarato tail wagging the tail of the funk, the tail of the change of cycle, the tail of piss colony Ovrebo queue, queue Preciado, the tail of rivals that are left to win, the tail of the theater people, the tail of the schedule of matches. She has been shaken and we have been watching their hypnotic movements as asshole. For in these years we have not talked about the great goals from Messi, Xavi plays, stops, Casillas, Cristiano Ronaldo races, the claw of Rooney, the elegance of Pirlo, the office of Gerrard or veteran Del Piero the actions of so many good players and coaches, and sports media expect us to, we talked about everything but football. The degree of intoxication, disinformation, abuse, insults and lies we have reached is incredible and worst of all is that it seems to be let go with the flow for the sake of freedom of expression.

the end you are just wondering then if we really exist or to create a different charge. Does the rest of Europe have the same perception than we do about what happens in our game? "The sports press has the facts or is the world of sport that acts according to what has the press? Is there an alternative to football and informative bipolarity in our country? What is really so terrible reality that hides behind the smokescreen? Many questions and few answers. This brings me to finish the same way I started, with a quote from the movie mentioned:

"What people remember about the Gulf War? A video of a bomb falls and blows a building ... but it could be a model"


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