Friday, May 13, 2011

Install Aluminum Floor In Boat

D-The route of cholesterol in San Roque

Today, due to circumstances, I trained in San Roque, my hometown. Had so long without coming, which happens to have synthetic track (crappy, but synthetic) at the stadium where my first lap was going.
As had left football and Pinar del Rey lejillos caught me, I went to the old main road N-340, now (in fact some years ago) converted to rail or road services to the casino. However, it is also known by another name, the route of cholesterol.
The name comes because the slope has is bearable and you can walk 2.5 miles each way to ease the pain of those whose tests have shown that triglycerides exceed recommended limits.
is that I can throw a very big bluff, but I was one of the first to use this route to go, more specifically when I was in college before 2000, but may not specify the year. I think they were road works in the Pinar del Rey, so I went to this road to do my workouts over 2 hours while returning home for holidays. Needless to say, there only occasional passing car, but today I found many people who helped me to keep pace. I think that none has tried to keep my pace or imitate, but I have not looked back. Once in town
just remember me and I do not think they even know that guy weird neighbor who goes out once and it became something. Not much, but it was at least the only walker in town.
From yield sign next to the tennis club until the end of the bridge leading to the reservoir is about 2.5 kms, for those who arrive here by chance and are curious. Today, not having slept well and drive many miles in the legs, I did 55:59 in 2 turns, which is not bad.
to see how many years pass before he returns to do the same route.


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