Monday, May 9, 2011

How To Use Steamer In Microwave


society itself is unjust live in a world full of problems, issues to be resolved on an almost daily question of what to try, like we're co nd to a kind of torture continuous we do not know where it comes from and how far we can go. We are slaves of ourselves, we are like prisoners who meet every day taking a test to continue living even if we have to tread and move beyond our own friends, relatives or acquaintances in order to reach this goal we pursue constantly. All this makes us so stressed, we reached a point where we lose our temper and we usually pay the first person who passes by us, without it be at fault. And every year we worse than above while others enjoy a life of luxuries of all kinds at the expense of us fend for themselves wherever and however.
policy is all a lie, a lie is just talk of characters and ties that we want to introduce in our minds nothing but wishful thinking never become das compliance by themselves, as politicians live at our expense fucking bone and charge astronomical amounts of money as they are to their own! ...
We have to move forward on our own that already, in many cases are too limited, we must break down very easily and unfortunately there are those who are fortunate to be stronger mentally and have the courage and that blood out of these types of situations.
The truth is that I personally do not see any change in the coming years or even for when you take many more years that we'll be in the afterlife, that we are dust and to dust we .... Regrettable.

Jaime Castillo.


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