Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Have White Stuff Around My Clitoris


In addressing the issue of nerve medicine and its influence on sexuality always comes to my head one of the best examples that can be put: the prolific Ron Howard film holder to A Beautiful Mind in which Russell Crowe plays mathematician John Nash, who despite his psychiatric problems won the Nobel Prize.

This film is a scene in which Crowe is in bed with his wife, actress Jennifer Connelly, in totally passive attitude, without any sexual desire. The woman asks if it's the medication and he answers yes. In the next scene starts in the kitchen, the wife crying desperately.

A Crowe can not think of anything else to stop taking medication and keeping you in a drawer. When I discovered, her psychiatrist, actor Christopher Plumer, asks why he has done and Crowe replied that it was to meet with his wife, it is understood that sexually. The result is you have to start treatment again and go through the same stages that has passed.

I could now compare with Crowe. When I was diagnosed aron my illness (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and dependent personality structure) began taking medication for nerves. It was in 1992, which coincided with the death of my father and my wife's separation and events that contributed to my malaise, and my depression.

But these medications early nerves did not affect me sexuality. It worked perfectly, except for some normal Gatillazo occasionally of course. During the following years took many different treatments, but still did not affect libido. In that sense I was happy because I knew that the drugs affect nerve sexuality, sexual desire, erection, ejaculation. Not all or the same extent.

did in the nineties and group therapy at the end of the year that lasted the same we were given a survey that appeared in the first place the question on whether the therapy had improved our sex life. The same therapist, a psychiatrist for more signs, the Dr.Gómez Sousa, warned us that probably would not have improved our sex life because most group members were taking medication. Finally a psychiatrist confessed clearly the relationship between sexuality and intake nerve medication. Always my psychiatrist, Dr. Vélez Nogueras, said that there was no connection. I guess that was a lie.

In 2009, due to an increase in my level of anxiety, tremendous, I was prescribed an antipsychotic, ziprasidone, 40 mg .. I was not suffering from schizophrenia. Was due to my level of anxiety and anguish suffered brutal. At first I resented my sex life, but stopped after a few months premature and have started to have erectile dysfunction. Read the prospectus and the alterations came to sexuality and even disorders h ormonales. In fact I had an analytical and testosterone I was below normal levels. And here began my ordeal because it was indeed as Russell Crowe's character: he had no desire, and he did not ejaculate erection problems. My sex life was ruined. Although my family at first did not complain and seemed sympathetic, understanding after a while became the opposite, as Connelly's character. In fact he left me, among other reasons for my lack of desire and erectile dysfunction.

I went to the urologist, Dr. Ortiz, who told me that nerves drugs were responsible for my sexual problems. He told me to take Levitra 10 mg .. Another urologist, Dr. Moyano, he prescribed 20 mg Cialis .. And my psychiatrist Viagra 100 mg .. Of these drugs for erectile dysfunction just tried Cialis. Him getting an erection, but I lasted enough. It was because I had no sex drive and could not ejaculate. Also once I tried Levitra and same thing happened.

Following the abandonment of my family joined me in the psychiatric wing of the Hospital Virgen Ma hull. There I put a lot of medication. Among other things, I doubled the dose of Ziprasidone. And here's where my sex life is over until the present time since that fateful year 2009. In recent times I have managed to cut five and a half tablets of medication, but my life sex has not improved. I still have the libido dead and totally cut my relations with women and my fear of rejection by my sexual dysfunction problem. Volume

today: Ziprasidone 40 mg. `Night, Clorazepate dipotassium 10 mg. morning and night, night mg.por Lormetazepan 2, Alprazolam 1 mg.por night, Lyrica 75 mg. morning and evening, escitalopram 20 mg.por the morning and evening mg.por Mirtazapine 15. Much yet, but I need it because my anxiety skyrocketed. But I hope to go slowly reducing my medication as I have done several months.

live with much anguish of my lack of sex life. I restrict my relationship with women for fear of rejection for my erectile dysfunction, but I have hopes for the future in which things change slowly.



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