Monday, May 2, 2011

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At the end of 1998 large shadow loomed over the future of the NBA: Michael Jordan had just announce his second retirement and the league was left bereft of their degrees and most important star. It was the time for players as Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan or Allen Iverson took the knob, but most fans knew little we have to settle for that. However, almost from the start of the season in January 1999, two rookies started to wonder at his impudence, his enthusiasm and imagination. One of them was a bodyguard prestigious University of North Carolina that began to make the gliding commonplace in the field of losers Raptors. The other, a white base that had several problems on the business of soft drugs in his university days and the coaches did not augur much of a future for their poor discipline defense. His name? Jason Williams .

Sacramento Kings chose the # 7 draft pick this season. Although the reports of the scouts made it clear that Williams was very limited physically, he had no legs to run on offense or defense struggled too, everyone agreed that his fancy for the final pass was something that had not seen do not even Magic Johnson. With a poor record of 27-55 last season, the Kings decided to gamble with Williams and also got a rundown Chris Webber, Vlade Divac veteran and fellow rookie Peja Stojakovic. He started the season and Divac and Webber proved to be unbeatable in the paint, Stojakovic was shown as a Veteran real scoring from distance, but more surprising is that the commitment to the white base was unstable winner: Jason Williams gets the crowd to their feet in every game with passes from behind, fast crossovers, fakes and feints of intrepid ball went crazy on defense and a shot is erratic but consistent enough. Gradually he moves the basic common view among the 10 best of the week, the Kings were the most spectacular team in the league and everyone wanted to televise their games, the kids try to mimic their moves in the schools and streets, and people began to wonder but who the hell is this guy? .

not filled the void of Jordan, much less, but both the arrival of Vince Carter as Jason Williams was a fresh air that sat of wonder to the NBA. The game besides catching Kings proved to be effective, because Californians were able to qualify for the play-offs, of which were felled before the Utah Jazz, which had a base at odds with what was Jason Williams: where Stockton was sober, Williams was excessive, the calm of a contrast to the madness of another. In some of his duels sparks flew, as the playing style of J-Will was played at some point as cockiness. Williams, already accustomed to being misunderstood as was justified: "I play well since I was 9 years. It's my way of expressing myself in a basketball court and not going to change me none. I know I'm different, but that is my personality. All others must make an effort to understand ". Thanks to Williams and his companions, the Kings had gone to be a losing team and forgotten to become one of the outsiders in the league.

In his second season in the league, Jason took hold and his name kept ringing with more strength and was a reference not only in basketball, but in other sports. In fact, the footballer Djalminha, after getting a memorable goal against Real Madrid, admitted being inspired by the plays of "White Chocolate" . In the 1999-2000 season was when we saw his now immortal go with the elbow that left us all with his mouth open, his plays were still a dream, he had fun on the court and we got excited about seeing him play. And to top the team was still winning. An illuminating fact: last season NBC did not schedule any party of the Kings at the national level (the team's season was a surprise to all.) However, this season no fewer than 16 games were televised throughout the country, eager to watch matches of Webber, Williams, Stojakovic, Divac, Williamson, Barry ...

The third season of J-Will not start so well. Both the Kings and the player had stalled in its progression. Coach Rick Adelman was getting tired of the unpredictability of Williams, who did not know the situation under control in the crucial moments of games and their bad decisions in those final minutes. In the environment began to folta the idea that the Sacramento Kings never get to win anything with a base as Jason Williams, and although the audience was having fun with their alley hoops and his passes for science fiction, criticism and dissenting voices began to be more frequent. Finally, Williams was traded by the base of the Vancouver Grizzlies, Mike Bibby.

The Grizzlies, newcomers to the city of Memphis, JWill saw the transfer as a successful marketing campaign to attract people to the courts, as the player's fame was spectacular effect. Moreover, the statements of coach Sidney Lowe in the sense of letting go to base and adapt to the unpredictable and dynamic style of play supported this decision. Nothing is further from reality, and that from the outset Lowe chose to rely on the inner game with the impressive start Pau Gasol, and asked Williams to calm his game and was more cautious. Later, other coaches like Hubie Brown or Mike Fratello Jason molding followed in the same direction, while the Grizzlies improved year after year to be able to get into play-offs in the wild Western Conference, Williams became a base sober, reducing their percentage of losses to spectacularly low levels, and choosing his shots better and increase their share of success. However, the original spark of Jason Williams was virtually nonexistent, had been institutionalized. Like a shooting star, the magic was gone and that number 55 of the Kings only had one strong and controversial personality, which was what led him to leave the Grizzlies.

In 2005 he signed with the Miami Heat's Shaquille and Pat Riley, getting the championship ring and proving that a player like Jason Williams (or like it was) could win the NBA. Dwayne Wade said of him that "Things sometimes have a purpose in life. Perhaps its fate was to come to Miami and show what he could do well, which is play basketball, " . After a few more seasons in Miami, went unnoticed by the Orlando Magic and a few months ago returned to the place where more stability achieved, Memphis. A few weeks ago announced that he retires, and being injured is not able to participate in the exceptional season for the Grizzlies, who have achieved the first victory in playoff history.

Serve this post as a tribute to one of the basketball players have more fun and I love basketball. As they say in the movie Shawshank Redemption: "Some birds can not be caged, their feathers are too beautiful. And when they fly is glad that part of you always knew it was a sin to cage them. Yet the place where you still living is more gray and empty when they are not " . During the time that Jason Williams was able to fly free, illusion and fun to many people, and sometimes that is remembered more than the victories or success.


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