Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where Is Gordon Spotting Scope Made

Hey man, that Makanaky rúlame. THE NBA ZAMPABOLLOS

entry Maybe if I start saying I come here to talk about the player Cyril Makanaky few know who the hell I'm going to talk. If I did this in a blog of stoners probably the popularity of the character was much greater and is that to understand this we must start from the beginning.
gave rise to fame to be part of the selection of Cameroon in Italy 90 world. Coincided with a great generation that failed to reach the quarterfinals the World Cup and become the great revelation of the tournament. As often happens in a tournament of such an impact clubs are always quick to sign all members of the selection surprise with mixed results. Sometimes the play turns out well and others get big clubs to nurture mediocre players. After completing the global
Makanaky was quickly signed for Malaga, who was then playing for second. In what should not repair the Andalusian club scouts is that Makanaky was called for global having played only 4 games all season . Something strange was brewing ...

Makanaky Unsurprisingly, the star of Málaga, disappoint. In his first season finished fourth in the second year fell to second B.
But what Makanaky Malacitana stalled in the hobby is being a regular in bars and nightclubs in the area, apart from the companies. Bad.
Apparently it was common to see him smoking some heavy partying galore. So much so that in Málaga became known as the petas 'Makanakys' and gradually fun codename that was expanding all over Spain to the point that he gave me the idea to write all this was a colleague mine that I heard that from Makanaky. The colleague and you like football, much less know who Cyril Makanaky.

His passion for partying and crapulencia has spread beyond our borders and is also known as chile Makanaky those gifted kids. And yes, I mean those of good dick.

Finally, as final review on this curious character I speak of the known as 'Curse of Makanaky' borne by the Barcelona of Ecuador.

Legend has it that the withdrawal Makanaky football in 1997 due to payment problems with his last club: the Barcelona of Ecuador. Apparently Makanaky owed $ 200,000 and seeing that he was going to be able to get, put a curse on the club that would prevent him from winning a title until you pay.
No one knows for sure what it is the curse, some say that bones buried near the stadium, others asked two rival team witches curse the club and even a final version that says send a T-shirt barcelona guayaquil of a witch Cameroon for them to sink into misery.

any case, the barcelona has gone from being the most successful club in Ecuador to gain nothing from 1997. The director of Barcelona has taken action the issue and has hired the Virgin of Sorrows to help them get rid of misfortune hanging over the club. (Do not know you could hire a virgin)
is also common to see as witches and santeros gather at the gates of the stadium to eliminate once and for all the curse.

In Bilbao we have the Virgin of Begoña, but it takes us almost 30 years without a case.

So you know dear readers, do not you carry Makanaky ye may thrust to lose and if you like smoking, smoking a Makanaky as a tribute to our favorite Cameroon.


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