Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good News Message Example

D-Are you starting going downhill? Concentration

Today I made a test of 5 kms. I thought it necessary to see how I shape after not having a clear reference in Guadix for possible incorrect measurement.
promised me the series very happy because I are going very well. 23 series of 200 at a rate less than 52 seconds and 4 series 1000 (4:37-4:39-4:45-4:48) is something that told me I'm better than for Europeans, so losing 25 was something totally feasible.
I go to a comfortable pace and within the first km. at 4:38, the next step to start around 5:11 and eat the coconut. No way. But you can still get worse, 5:29 and 5:41 the following. The latter, trying to squeeze, 5:21. Total 26:20. Where are the results of my training?
Prior to 2 series of 3000 and I came out better times, but today I think that has been through something so they do not come out as expected. Ando touched her throat and sore left knee but not for that matter.
I think my participation in the first day League seriously compromised.


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