Monday, April 25, 2011

Dream Syndicate Medicine Show Reissue

C-William Golding: The Lord of the Flies

For the first time in the history of this blog I will say that a book I liked. My personal opinion is I do not want to influence anyone else's and what for some is good, for others it may be a crap and vice versa (remember I'm a fan of Harry Potter).
This book for me was unknown until just 2 weeks. They put it as an audiobook on a page that I frequent and reading the argument I found interesting: The adventures of children who, after a plane crash found on a desert island without adults. So far I found a version of Robinson Crusoe adapted to children until they started reading.
The airplane is something that is sensed, but no wreckage or nowhere to explain why. The way of describing the facts did not like because there are things that are not clear, if the parachutist, who had it not been for the previous summary or I find out it goes. It may be a bad translation, but the style of the version I read it was, counting things in a very busy in some respects.
At first when I read that there were children under 6 years, I started a bit overwhelmed with the reading as I imagined my older son in those circumstances and the helplessness that would be. When I was small, living in a village next to the field, with 10 years knew how to build a cabin and, if necessary, using stones and leaves for hygiene purposes, but not me if this generation could pass without the Playstation.
As he read, to see reason and logic rules were ingor and trampled by a group of anarchists (I think it is the first time I use this word), reading I was pissed (good relationship with the title) . It was a clear analogy with the generation "nini" and parasites of society in which we live, but this book has over 50 years, so imagine the political overtones were different at the time.
short, my reading I was overwhelmed and the final was a truncation of the story, but finished with the burden, did not deserve it. For those who do not like to read, have a version peliculera 1990. I


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