Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gay Hook Up Spots Columbia, Sc

In life there are things that are not complementary. We head block in eating chorizo \u200b\u200band cream, and chirps same way we see a nun with two guns, it also makes us laugh even surprised to see a big sport. Aside sports like weightlifting or high, I am going to Habar of fat people (fat, fat, fat super-fat ...) that have become part of the best basketball league in the world: the NBA!

all know that before the sport was not as professionalized as now and lacked the physical rigor that exists today. Of Just as the NBA players have been great body of rubble, we could also enjoy the presence of such titans as Mel Turpin . This plump pivot, after going through the ranks of the Washington Bulletts, joined the Cleveland Cavaliers. At the time of signing for the Cavs, measured 2.11 meters long and weighed about 113 kilos. A few weeks later I was already at 120 kilos and to begin preseason training camp, had been planted in more than 140 kilos.

Turpin was a player with serious problems of concentration and discipline, and their coaches sweated blood to make it down to a reasonable weight for a man of his size could run without breaking ankles. Despite this he was traded to Utah, where he continued his love affair with food and their disagreement with the coach on duty. Utah coach was another famous big, hard Frank Layden. Asked about the contribution of Turpin's team the Jazz, said: "by Turpin, we managed to balance the bench for Utah this season. He sits at one end, I on the other and so we should not be lifted" .

The Fat Frank Layden and his assistant Jerry Sloan

course "Dinner Bell" Turpin was long team at the earliest opportunity and settled in Spain in the ranks of CAI Zaragoza. This continued wasting his talent while gobbling food record pace even been nicknamed Mel "Burgers" Turpin. Although it was now up by almost 150 kilos, its performance was good and won the beans (and the rest of the menu, of course).

One of the most glaring case was that of Thomas Hamilton , pivot of 2.18 and heavier than a Boeing 747. By joining the Boston Celtics in 1995, the team suspended him for being out of shape. Months after the team got him out of the disabled list, believing that he was fit to play, well, at that time Hamilton officially weighed 165 kilos!, so I do not want to imagine the burden I was carrying him away when the Celtics. He soon returned to their old ways and technicians in Boston suggested that he or down to 150 kilos or going to the fucking street. Hamilton, an expert on missed opportunities and disappoint those who wanted to help, did not bother trying to get in shape. Not surprisingly, years ago and being a few weeks for a tournament in which there were many scouts from the NBA, the agent of Hamilton came to visit and found a mass of 200 kilos lying on the couch at home.

Oliver Miller Another

zampabollos of the most illustrious in the history of the NBA has been Oliver Miller. known as "The Big O" , but not for their skills but rather for his remarkable body periphery, good old Oliver measured 2.06 meters and came to record in his years gulfs weighing 150 kilos. However, in his early years in the league gained fame playing in the powerful Phoenix Suns another "fat" as Charles Barkley, but gradually his carelessness and his big swallows were taking their toll on his game and his relationship with peers. Sir Charles himself came to say "You can not even jump far enough to touch the rim unless you put a Big Mac on top! " . His career was crushed and had to stop begging league contracts in Puerto Rico.

Curry frontal and profile: the cotton tricks

This season if you doubt that the big award year goes Eddy Curry. The pivot of 2.11 was chosen in the same draft Pau Gasol just one place behind the Catalan player, despite was hesitant about some good early season in the Chicago Bulls and New York Knicks. A series of injuries have allowed him to play only 10 games the past three seasons. Recently, the Miami Heat have been interested in him a temporary contract to assist the team in the play-off, but when Pat Riley gave him the eye to its more than 170 kilos of perimeter thought better and decided not to sign him for fear of being eaten to some of members of the Big Three .
These are just some examples, but there have been many other NBA players that have burdened his career for having a bad headache, poor discipline and a voracious appetite, and Robert "Tractor" Traylor, Bryant Reeves and Michael Sweetney .

Bryant Reeves, a large grizzly bear


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