Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remove Creosote From Plastic

Jackie Stewart Bob Williams. A supreme struggle.

few days ago I started watching this video:

The video is a fucking masterpiece.

It, narrates the struggle of two great drivers for the championship of Formula 1 such as Jackie Stewart and Bob Williams.
The truth is that the clip very good way weaves real images of the F1 in 1970 with a Robbie Williams marked the occasion. Mola!

And now is when the question arises What happened to Jackie Stewart and Bob Williams?

start by Jackie Stewart .
Jackie's life was always linked to the engine, because their parents had a shop selling Jaguar cars. Seeing that the kid went there almost all day and that gave him bad studies went to motorsports and gradually worked his way up the Formula 1. Once
'Circus', the Scotsman was champion in 1969, 1971 and 1973 .
In 1997 Stewart returned. This time as a builder with his son running the Stewart Grand Prix team. That team was purchased and later converted into Jaguar and Red Bull Racing.
The rest is history. We still

Bob Williams. According to the video the wayward Bob fought hand in hand with Jackie for the championship a season. Despite his good results this year was charged because it was accident and a trial separation. In the last race was an oversight and was locked in his trailer and can not exit the day he decided the title.
As seen Bob was more interested in their lovers, guitar and smoking a pipe. A character 'Ace'.

And once more you ask So, what happened to Bob? Well
little research that you may be you will realize that Bob is a name very similar to Rob, Robbie diminutive diminutive, short for Robert Peter Williams, the singer.
is, Bob Williams never existed or was a famous blues singer or invent smoking pipe free snuff. Still

not deny me the video clip tells a story very entertaining.


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