Thursday, March 24, 2011

Matsudaсара конор

GENERALIZATION modern football

After several months without inspiration to write anything coherent, see some sort of our dear friends of the LFP with the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to quit football, because they refuse to issue an open game, as I remember I since I have consciousness.

remember years ago, the party on Saturday was at 8 and by the autonomous, then those who complained were the hospitality sector, citing a reduction in receipts from the game time, I'm sure now do not complain.

What is more crumb of the matter is that the league requires the Government to be involved in the matter, and that is the same Government allowed the conversion of the clubs in Sports Corporation, was what caused the beginning of the end of football as we knew it.

Before the conversion of the clubs in SAD, the total debt of these did not reach the 600 million euros (pulling from the top), but currently the overall debt of the first and second division exceeds 3.6 billion euros, and this obviously under the blessing of our beloved government.

I mean, when the LFP did not leave the accounts it'll ask the Father State will take a cable. For me, the Lord Astiazarán and his friends were in the street for some time.

And after the criticism, I'll put a video that I have spent my colleague Dani, who after a bad host of recent days, I must admit I was glad the week.
The truth I recommend it doggedly, I think super original, and it's football ... I'm sure our employees and fans you'll love ... Hate Eternal

the Modern Football


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