Monday, March 21, 2011

Homemade Catan Cities And Knights

Help yourself to natural cosmetics

Due to the" notorious "nature of the process of developing cosmetic products, more and more people looking in nature, assistance to care for their beauty and appearance.

(Cuerpo2.0) The nature from the beginning of time man has helped to meet their needs. In modern times, in which the "white coat" is given more importance than a sunset, the ciency has to dominated all areas in which human life moves. In this, the cosmetics could not be alien to the rhythm of time. Just look at the composition of many beauty products , to realize that Most times, we would need a portable laboratory and a BS in chemistry for discovering what we put on our face, lips and body in general. Among
"cosmetic" natural known, could highlight the cucumber . With the ability to reduce skin spots , including freckles , its status as lowering fat secreted by the skin, making it a great product from the shin s. Apply on the face as a mask.

cucumber mask
avoiding the eye area of \u200b\u200b , cut the fruit into slices and applied over the face and neck (after washing the face and neck.)

grapes could be considered as the fruit of eternal youth. The high amount of antioxidants it has, especially in the skin just makes this product an ideal candidate for a rejuvenating mask .

grape mask
We wash your face with lemon juice and five minutes then apply the grapes (two will suffice), which previously have been "crushed" with skin but without seeds. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes.
face can not only starring in the help of natural cosmetics. If you want to try for instance the nails, the lemon will be your ally. Take the citrus pulp used as a mask to put over the area of \u200b\u200bthe one, this for 5 minutes. After the juice, make a clean them with a brush for this task.

egg mask
The egg could not miss on all the yolk source of nutrients , helps soften skin , with the help of the honey.
Mix egg yolk with honey. After leaving for 15 minutes and then clean the face with cold water .

exist in nature as products of this, only seek to know which is better suited to our needs and we do better, but beware, beware of allergies as that the product may be ideal for your face, it is not appropriate for your health.


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