Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Histrogram

Tiqui-TACA: EMERGENCE, disambiguation and Hate Eternal

The word for these days the world of information is the immediacy: we want the news when there is no time to lose, there's no time to assess the information, or to contrast or care for them. We have a thousand and one ways to learn what is happening in the world instantly but really every time we learn less. This is a story of another of the side effects of this era of disinformation: the loss of meaning of words. That is, it does not matter how or have the words we use, the important thing is to have whatever. And in the same way we use words pajolera we have no idea what they really mean.

Two years ago Andrés Montes died, his epitaph in almost all the English press was: "says goodbye to the operator of tiqui-taca" . I've always thought about how bad has made this damn word football and how wrong are the people who think he was the inventor. But the fact is that (according to me I have understood) was the former coach José María Maguregui Vizcaya the first person to use the term, with a totally different meaning.
Maguregui-teams coach modest longevity as Sestao, Celta de Vigo, Racing Santander and Espanyol, was referring to tiqui-taca to define the practice match the width of the field that was played in training after the exercise. And by extension, also called "Tiqui-taca" the game practicing some teams based on playing the ball flush of grass but not getting anywhere. Were the 80 and tiqui-taca as it was the meaning of the football "lots of sauce, a little meat" . A kind of football characterized by composure, the touch too, in short: too much contrivance for so little result.
Over the years, other coaches Javier Clemente and also added the word to your vocabulary. We all knew the playing style of Clement, as he was against the tiqui-taca led to the generalization that if Clemente was against tiqui-taca was the same as saying that "direct game and hanging balls is the opposite of tiqui-taca" . And so the word acquired a new meaning: football associations, and vertical dynamic.

The word passed some years of ostracism light until it was hammered Andrés Montes for the ears of a thousand and one jokes that "desgracidamente-penetrated deep into the collective unconscious. "Tiqui-taca, Salinas, tiqui-taca" . The word was back in the mouth around the world, you could hear on television, at work, in bar gatherings, school ... Now tiqui-taca was already the epitome of football finally, the top of what could be reached. Barcelona won the league and European Cup, Barcelona was the tiqui-taca-taca tiqui and was the host. The decline of Barcelona's Ronaldinho threatened to end the term, but then the English team Barcelona and back again to return to the limelight.

And now, where do we stand? Well, now that our short-sightedness has made us accept the "truth" of tiqui-taca and its link with Barcelona it's time to end the lie-taca tiqui and Barcelona. You hear things like "tiqui fundamentalism-taca" , "it seems the tiqui-taca is the only true football" or other generalizations of the sort. Put another way, the Knights Templar of tiqui-taca are just as ignorant to the champions of "Patapum p'arriba" , for the simple fact that neither one nor the other exist, or any coach ordered their players play tiquitaca, or play Badabung. Simply press are terms used for convenience, and as we have seen can also change in meaning convenience. In

Ultimately, the tiqui-taca born as a qualifying term for a part of football development, spread in a pejorative way to evaluate a flamboyant style of football but lacking in content and ultimately transformed into the flag football as art. Little by little among certain sectors of the media and sport again has negative connotations and it is likely that in a few years lose all their meaning and return to the anonymity of the Palabé forgotten. Hoping that someone invent another term to give food to the less gifted journalists and fans more mackerel.

Military Elektro Tortur.


From humility I look to tomorrow.

really exist. Sleep, dream and resurrected.

speak, sigh, suffer and love.

in love I see what you own: pure love, pure love.

I will deliver it.

temples and powerful hearts,

love that comes from errors and goes to the sublime.

Another door opens suddenly.

doubt, confusion and fear.

In a sense of failure can be anything but rebellion.

This is the work of a renewed strength to keep while he lives here in my secrets, I

soul in the warm precincts of the fictional character such as mystery, shadow and yesterday.

José Cuadrado Morales.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Matsudaсара конор

GENERALIZATION modern football

After several months without inspiration to write anything coherent, see some sort of our dear friends of the LFP with the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to quit football, because they refuse to issue an open game, as I remember I since I have consciousness.

remember years ago, the party on Saturday was at 8 and by the autonomous, then those who complained were the hospitality sector, citing a reduction in receipts from the game time, I'm sure now do not complain.

What is more crumb of the matter is that the league requires the Government to be involved in the matter, and that is the same Government allowed the conversion of the clubs in Sports Corporation, was what caused the beginning of the end of football as we knew it.

Before the conversion of the clubs in SAD, the total debt of these did not reach the 600 million euros (pulling from the top), but currently the overall debt of the first and second division exceeds 3.6 billion euros, and this obviously under the blessing of our beloved government.

I mean, when the LFP did not leave the accounts it'll ask the Father State will take a cable. For me, the Lord Astiazarán and his friends were in the street for some time.

And after the criticism, I'll put a video that I have spent my colleague Dani, who after a bad host of recent days, I must admit I was glad the week.
The truth I recommend it doggedly, I think super original, and it's football ... I'm sure our employees and fans you'll love ... Hate Eternal

the Modern Football

Can Can Skating Dress Pattern

What is the maternal hormone? "A diet discussed"

If Dukan diet is currently the reference for people looking for their ideal weight, there are many alternatives that sometimes raise some "suspicions" about its effectiveness and health benefits. Now, the alarms have jumped by a diet based on "pregnancy hormone."

(Section 2.0) Undoubtedly, the Dukan diet is the fad diet, but it should be noted that there are more "fish in the sea" for all those seeking their ideal weight . Some of these alternatives diet are successful and others are damaging our health diets. At this time, a diet based on "pregnancy hormone" is in the spotlight of various health authorities in several countries.

What is the hormone of pregnancy?

Technically called "human chorionic gonadotropin " and it is a substance that occurs naturally in the body of women.

What is it used?

After being synthesized in the laboratory, is used to improve ovulation in women with natural lack of this feature in your body.

How is a process of diet?

base use of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in slimming diets, is based on its role in reducing the appetite. That is, accompanied by a reduction in calorie intake below of 600/día.

How is this hormone?

In all countries where it is dispensed in pharmacies but you get prescription at this point, internet access has led to "more open."
In short, as we have recommended in the past, in search of your ideal weight , should never follow recipes that promise magical diet. In this diet HCG hormone, the 600 calories per day, in the eyes of many doctors and nutritionists, is scarce and dangerous consequences, such as fainting or memory loss. Slimming is not a game, an action in entering our whole body function and thus in search of ideal weight legally ineffective "miracle" products with unpronounceable names or hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin , better known as the maternal hormone .

Related articles: What is the method Dukan? "The fad diet?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remove Creosote From Plastic

Jackie Stewart Bob Williams. A supreme struggle.

few days ago I started watching this video:

The video is a fucking masterpiece.

It, narrates the struggle of two great drivers for the championship of Formula 1 such as Jackie Stewart and Bob Williams.
The truth is that the clip very good way weaves real images of the F1 in 1970 with a Robbie Williams marked the occasion. Mola!

And now is when the question arises What happened to Jackie Stewart and Bob Williams?

start by Jackie Stewart .
Jackie's life was always linked to the engine, because their parents had a shop selling Jaguar cars. Seeing that the kid went there almost all day and that gave him bad studies went to motorsports and gradually worked his way up the Formula 1. Once
'Circus', the Scotsman was champion in 1969, 1971 and 1973 .
In 1997 Stewart returned. This time as a builder with his son running the Stewart Grand Prix team. That team was purchased and later converted into Jaguar and Red Bull Racing.
The rest is history. We still

Bob Williams. According to the video the wayward Bob fought hand in hand with Jackie for the championship a season. Despite his good results this year was charged because it was accident and a trial separation. In the last race was an oversight and was locked in his trailer and can not exit the day he decided the title.
As seen Bob was more interested in their lovers, guitar and smoking a pipe. A character 'Ace'.

And once more you ask So, what happened to Bob? Well
little research that you may be you will realize that Bob is a name very similar to Rob, Robbie diminutive diminutive, short for Robert Peter Williams, the singer.
is, Bob Williams never existed or was a famous blues singer or invent smoking pipe free snuff. Still

not deny me the video clip tells a story very entertaining.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Homemade Catan Cities And Knights

Help yourself to natural cosmetics

Due to the" notorious "nature of the process of developing cosmetic products, more and more people looking in nature, assistance to care for their beauty and appearance.

(Cuerpo2.0) The nature from the beginning of time man has helped to meet their needs. In modern times, in which the "white coat" is given more importance than a sunset, the ciency has to dominated all areas in which human life moves. In this, the cosmetics could not be alien to the rhythm of time. Just look at the composition of many beauty products , to realize that Most times, we would need a portable laboratory and a BS in chemistry for discovering what we put on our face, lips and body in general. Among
"cosmetic" natural known, could highlight the cucumber . With the ability to reduce skin spots , including freckles , its status as lowering fat secreted by the skin, making it a great product from the shin s. Apply on the face as a mask.

cucumber mask
avoiding the eye area of \u200b\u200b , cut the fruit into slices and applied over the face and neck (after washing the face and neck.)

grapes could be considered as the fruit of eternal youth. The high amount of antioxidants it has, especially in the skin just makes this product an ideal candidate for a rejuvenating mask .

grape mask
We wash your face with lemon juice and five minutes then apply the grapes (two will suffice), which previously have been "crushed" with skin but without seeds. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes.
face can not only starring in the help of natural cosmetics. If you want to try for instance the nails, the lemon will be your ally. Take the citrus pulp used as a mask to put over the area of \u200b\u200bthe one, this for 5 minutes. After the juice, make a clean them with a brush for this task.

egg mask
The egg could not miss on all the yolk source of nutrients , helps soften skin , with the help of the honey.
Mix egg yolk with honey. After leaving for 15 minutes and then clean the face with cold water .

exist in nature as products of this, only seek to know which is better suited to our needs and we do better, but beware, beware of allergies as that the product may be ideal for your face, it is not appropriate for your health.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

00 Chrysler Concorde Overheating

Mölkky, a game that came from cold

The Mölkky is a game of Finnish origin promises at least a bit of fun and you can practice most of the world.

(Section 2.0) Now that good weather is coming, with the permission of these recent rains, we should consider increasing the number of outdoor activities. A pleasant alternative to the "Mölkky" , a Finnish sport that if you have not practiced ever, I encourage you to do it.
First of all, tell the "Mölkky" is a social game and therefore indispensable part of "squeezing" the maximum, there must be good humor. To give you an idea, the "Mölkky" is a kind of "bowling", but not with the singularity of their origin:

Material - Twelve sticks, numbered 1 through 12. (Name "technical" wooden pins)
- A Mölkky , ie a stick "thickness" of about 30 cm long.

As you observe, so far I have not talked about complicated equipment or specific wineries practice.


The first player places three or four feet away, and the " Mölkky " attempts to debunk the twelve numbered poles have been placed in a special position early at this point is worth remembering that each suit has an numbering goes from 1 to 12.
vital in this game is scoring, that would be summarized as follows:
If after our launch, we throw a stick, we note the score that corresponds to the suit (is engraved on the top of each suit). On the contrary, if more than one club breaks down, we score a point for each pole knocked down (the value of each of the downed poles, prints in them, not taken into account when pulling more than one).
comes the turn of the next shooter, which will launch the " Mölkky " against the clubs that have already been raised. This is the point in adding a new degree of difficulty, since the poles are not placed in the position, but gently place at the point where they fell after the release above. That is, after each launch, chances are that the clubs are becoming increasingly separated.
The game ends when one player reaches 50 points , but beware, should be accurate, because if you spend, you go back to 25 and tap new beginning, to then wonder why Finns are so good with math.
By the way, I forgot to say that if you throw three times and are unable to throw or one stick, then deleted and looking at others from the chair.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monster. Corona California

Jeremie Janot, master of disguise. HOW TO KILL CHIEF

few days ago I wrote an article about goalkeepers are released to attack some time ago also told the story of the shirt and Palop Arconada and I think today is the perfect time to close the 'trilogy the archer ' telling the story of Jeremie Janot, an eccentric goalkeeper, who despite his long career may not be well known.

I like the athletes when they can dress up, Mario Cipollini or Kazushi Sakuraba are two examples of characters that I have traced the root of it and I must confess This article grew out of a video I found on youtube about a doorman dressed as Spiderman. These things can not be ignored and promptly investigated.

first thing I discovered is that it was not the first time he dressed, in the past had dress shirts in tribute to his tastes: If you liked Spiderman Small, dressed as Spiderman, small if you liked the game of the Argentina team wore the sheepskin from Argentina, if you like a climber gets tour of the mountain jersey
if St. Patrick's day dresses in Scottish ... although this has not nothing to see.

And if you've been wanting more, here more shirts made in Janot !

Beyond that if anything he wants his hobby is for the love of Saint-Etienne and rivalry towards Olympique Lyon, the historic enemy of Saint-Etienne.
The love of Saint-Etienne has demonstrated throughout his career, refusing to change teams even in second. Hatred of the Lyon professes to some pearls or even actions such as 2006, when he took a kind of type rossonera Milan jersey in tribute to the team they was eliminated in the Champions League.

Emulating his idol Wanderlei Silva

And now is when you are wondering But this guy and can play football?
The truth is that not a bad goalkeeper. In the 2006-07 season was voted goalkeeper of the year according to French newspaper L'Equipe and has a curious and difficult record to beat: He remained undefeated at home for 1534 minutes, between November 6, 2004 and September 21 2005. Yet
never played in the selection. Ahead has had several archers like Coupet, Frey, Lloris or Mandanda seeing that the thing is 33 seems difficult. Although according to this video It seems to have deserved a chance.

In Saint-Etienne have the goal well covered.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ford Mondeo Temperature

Year 1970. Lasalle University (Pennsylvania). This year a particular trainer named Paul Westhead takes care of the basketball team on campus. In addition to his work as a coach, Westhead is also responsible for teaching of literature and poetry as it is a great expert on Shakespeare, among other authors. Multifaceted man, used to train his players some books like "Zen and the Art of Archery or" The Inner Game of Tennis ", forcing the boys to do things as unusual as rounds shot basket without the ball, or tests of free throws with his eyes closed. And best of all, the teachings of work Westhead, victories and consistently reach the Philadelphia coach graduated in Literature begins to make a name in the world of basketball.

That same year, several thousands of miles away in Pennsylvania, specifically in Denver, a strong power forward debutante born in Mississippi in the ABA just got in the same year with the Denver Rockets Rookie and MVP awards for the season averaging 30 points and 20 rebounds. Playmaker and very eccentric, Spencer Haywood butt lives both inside and outside the court, delivered to his great passions: basketball, girls, alcohol and jazz. Haywood, a real Olympic champion (in Mexico '70) starts knocking on the doors of the NBA and major equipment raffle it.
Thus, these two disparate characters begin the 70's ready to conquer the world. And things are rolling well, Westhead get make a success of its ultra-fast game plan La Salle, a run-and-gun at full speed in which the defense to put away all the meat in the attack. No matter if you can match scoring 160 points 161. The University reaches twice the NCAA tournament and in 1979 Paul Westhead received great news: Jack McKinney, a friend and the then coach Los Angeles Lakers offered to be his assistant in the California franchise. And few weeks later, skip the surprise, since McKinney suffered a serious bicycle accident and delegates the work of coach Westhead. Of training in college to do the best team in the world in just two years, good deal for him.
Spencer Haywood's career has more bumps in the road. After signing for the Seattle Supersonics and make several seasons at a high level, with even all-star, bit by bit the excesses are making the game slip. The nights are growing longer, success attracts bad company like cocaine and is traded to the Knicks, where these problems do not get worse. In New York there is much more cocaine and thousands of other women, where he met top model Magnet (later wife of David Bowie) with which ends up marrying. After calling at the New Orleans Jazz, basketball (by Paul Westhead) gives one last chance reeencontrarse himself recruited by Los Angeles Lakers.

Haywood was a personal commitment Westhead, who even had to change to Adrian Dantley to get the player southerner. But from the start things do not go well, and that Haywood was already visibly affected by his problems with the coaína and crack size was not on the track and did nothing but create problems and controversy wherever he went. During games, he would rise from the bench waving a towel and yelling his name so that people will corease and request the coach to deliver him to court. Months passed and the Lakers reached the NBA final against the Philadelphia Sixers, and Haywood had a chance to assert themselves and show the coach I could trust him, but nothing is further from the truth. One day, after a long talk Westhead technique where he taught for several videos of rival players, the TV was turned off, the lights came on and there was Spencer Haywood completely asleep. Reluctantly he rose from his chair and went with his companions to training after ankle bandage asked very bad manners scissors to a teammate. He told her that things could be done with good manners, to which he replied that Haywood "If I have to ask for the scissors, I prefer not to use" . Training began, and within minutes he was again sleeping soundly, and that was the straw that broke the camel to Westhead, who decided to expel the player from the team for the rest of the playoffs.

Spencer Haywood then did what any sane person would not have done. Filled with rage and at the top of cocaine, took his car and hurried home as a plan brewing in his troubled mind: "I left the Forum and as I was in my home Rolls swam to one thought: that Westhead had to die " . Came home and not only withdrew its plans, but continued scheming, and decided that the best way to end the coach was to manipulate the brakes on his car. He called a friend, a gangster from Detroit, and explained the situation and what needed to be done. Everything was ready, but the mother of Haywood finished learning about the issue and after talking with his son and made him reconsider. Luckily for Westhead, the erudite professor of literature, just to get rid of starring in their own flesh tints great Shakespearean tragedy. The truth is that for some or other reasons, and Haywood and Westhead had a long career in Los Angeles, their unique personalities led them to places more colorful than the first line away from sports in which to rediscover themselves, Haywood rehabilitated and feeling like a basketball person and valid, and Westhead for his part successfully launch its supersonic tactical game.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Game Like Fantage And Club Penguin

Easter: "If you think Bolt makes his marks without help, you fool"

(ABC) Manuel Pascua Piqueras, one of those involved in the doping scheme investigated in the "Operation Greyhound" coach athletes Reyes Estevez, Bezabeh and Nuria Fernandez, has defended itself from accusations that come upon him in an interview with sports daily AS ... More

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Stitching Anarkali

Beyond ... Alirón! Goalkeepers

Last night I was watching a documentary on Basque public television about the history of mining in the left margin. People who came to work very hard in the mountains of Triano and who lived in towns such as La Arboleda, Triano THE Trápaga Valley, Barrrionuevo , etc.

That said
will arrive at two conclusions, boy what a way to spend a Friday and this is not a football blog??

Well if it is a football blog and here is the story. In the mines when they found a vein of iron ore and loaded onto the wagons when the person responsible for checking the quality of the mineral was discovered that a pure material actually wrote all the wagons - iron is the whole- iron. The story has its importance as foremen in return gave them extra money. From this came the chant Alirón! among miners to learn that their low wages increased significantly .

When Athletic Club got some of the first titles in their history in Spain the fans cheered with shouts of "Alirón, Alirón, the Athletic is champion." An expression of joy coined the phrase "sing Alirón."

still do not know policy signings Athletic of the law is and Bossman effect if I also sing Alirón some day ... but remember if one day we do remember those people who raised the Basque economy coming from outside or not and that we celebrate also in his honor.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Why Fish Stick Is Bad


few years ago a lovely Coca Cola ad reflected on the lives of the porters, how they feel at seeing their comrades attacking from afar? How does it feel to score a goal?

In my case at least, in every game as a goalkeeper to finish up a final play my eyes focus on him if what brand? would be the shit!

Thanks to Dani Aranzubia goal against Almeria seems to do by attacking a doorman is becoming fashionable. If I tell the truth when I heard Dani's goal which I thought was more Jacques Songo'o. Previous sports doorman which in the 99/00 season Lasa Perez had a goal disallowed against Numancia which would have given victory to Deportivo Coruna. In recent statements following Aranzubia's goal has said his goal was nullified because the referee saw it marked a goalkeeper and he must have done so rare that it could not be valid.

top makes the gesture of the great shot.

this example, the Palop in UEFA or Buffon Toldo goal really are the rare exceptions that end happily. This past week we had a strange situation in a European League game which I could not find the image, Upload the goalkeeper to finish off a corner. The opposing defense clears the ball and two front mounted counter, pass from midfield, the last defender who was lost in your area and faces midfield striker with the ball. This, in an act of generosity passes to your partner and suddenly the referee whistles. They look at all surprised had he finished the match? Are you missing? Well, no, out of play. Having left the goalkeeper no two players behind the ball before the pass. No one except the referee had warned that that's what.

further rise in fruitless years ago, Oliver Khan topped the goal and scored a penalty corner goal. He was also canceled. Does the problem? Then he had finished a round of fists striking pot. And sometimes we have so mechanized movements as soon as we change a little routine does not know what to do.

Nobody like the Japs at the time of setting up a video.

anyway and to finish this short article on anecdotes goalkeepers coming out the attack could not pass up the opportunity to remind the teacher and René Higuita scorpion. There is a move to attack, but rather a far less convenient acrobatic move to take the ball with his hand but these things make great soccer.

And you do remember some curious play of goalkeepers trying to dial?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When I Bend Down My Right Testicle Hurt


Last week, in match that Tottenham Hotspurs on track left his pass to the quarter-finals of the Champions League, there was a Gattuso squabble with the England team coach. The Italian midfielder, very upset during the whole match, he faced Joe Jordan, Harry Redknapp's assistant, and gave him a small header that started a massive brawl on the lawn of San Siro.

Most people who saw the images began hands head thinking "Oh, poor man, as Gattuso touch that man so old and helpless he sent to another neighborhood." But what those people did not know, and perhaps also Gattuso, is that this Joe Jordan was for years one of the toughest players of the moment, among many others playing teams .... In the very AC Milan!
Joe Jordan at the center and Brian Clough on the right. The latter was short

Jordan began playing football in a small team of his native Scotland until, with 19, was claimed by the legendary Leeds United managed by Don Revie (For more information, please see the movie The Damned United ). Joe Jordan on this team could give vent to their highest qualities as a striker was rough, tough, very combative and very dangerous especially in the balls air. Come on, I was a player who went all out, not afraid to put the leg, head or whatever. The spitting image of the powerful of the 70 Leeds. At Elland Road team formed the so-called "Scottish Mafia" with other players and Lorimer, McQueen and especially Billy Bremner, the true soul of the team and named best player in the history of Leeds. This team had not half-measures and training were equally or more official matches played that, and Jordan can attest, as a preparatory session took a big hit in the mouth that knocked out the front teeth, giving the appearance that typical Scottish twist so dear:

Jim Leighton, Joe Jordan and Craig Burley. Sons of Scotland!
Joe Jordan - or Jaws , as it became known since then, in 1981 received an offer from AC Milan, which at that time did not honor or a game or for the results great history of the club. But Jordan decided to join the Rossoneri, one of the most outstanding players of the team in a season of gloomy memories as Milan went down to Serie B. However, the Scot was a major player during his two years in Milan, as evidenced by the fact that it was named one of the 110 most important players in club history.

And for Scotland also fell short. He is the only player in this selection able to score in three different world. Therefore, and for his great commitment and dedication he is known in the islands as "Braveheart Joe" .

With these data in hand, you may be more cautious Gattuso another time, because at one time not too far perhaps Jaws Joe Jordan had eaten Italian rhino.