Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's Happened With Heather Brooke?

Serotonin, the main activator

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter of central nervous system and plays an important role in influencing our state of encouragement. Obviously, there are many other factors that influence our desire to progress, but without courage, no training that is worth.

serotonina y cerebro Corps (2.0) Serotonin has several functions, but among them we can highlight: regulate appetite (through satiety), stabilizes sexual desire, control cognitive function, perceptual and motor skills. By being involved in different functions, has a very important relationship with the sport.

Serotonin and sport

foods can help improve your mood. Is not the same face training with a high burden of stress , with a load of joy and positive attitude. For this, we must keep in mind around: "We improved in relation to what we eat" . To assist the production of serotonin, we must arm ourselves with a lot of foods rich in tryptophan an amino .

Surely, if I give you a choice of all foods, be right signals when you ask a "pro-serotonin " because the joy that spread the chocolate, feel from the moment you open the package. Also found in this group, bananas, nutmeg, kiwis, mushrooms and meat products among others.

The results of our testing, are in relation to the wealth of a diet as always, is key to healthy living and harmony with our body. Down with the uncontrolled supplementation with protein , creatine , L-carnitine and others, if not "help" the body with "a little of everything."

Related article: Nutrition and Sports
Related article: The best sport : Breakfast, lunch and dinner


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