Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bathing Suit Syles For Petite Women

images crossfit What is the method Dukan? "The fad diet

"I can not lose weight" is the title of the book of Pierre Dukan, French nutritionist who has achieved his weight loss method, it has become a phenomenon that is poised to be global.

(Section 2.0) The impact it has had Pierre Dukan in their home country, France has been so great his book, "I can not lose weight" is on the bestseller list immediately after the latest Harry Potter.
The concept of this "Dukan regime" is based on a 72- diet foods of animal origin and 28 of vegetable origin. The philosophy of this diet to lose weight, has been summarized by the author in a key phrase: "Give me a diet , either, but do not take away meat." It further states the importance key proteins in food and thus, lose weight, lose weight , lose weight or diet, be simple synonyms.

Entering a little more in the nature of the Dokan we know that diet is divided into four phases: Attack, Cruise, consolidation and stabilization.
1. Attack (only proteins): For five days and 72 to select foods (meat, fish and dairy fat), plus 1.5 liters of water a day will experience rapid weight loss.

2. Cruise (protein + vegetables):
At this point, and after beating the "temptations" added the 28 selected vegetables. It should be noted that there are forbidden foods (avocados, peas, lentils, rice, potatoes and corn.) and that at this stage, we reach our ideal weight and desired.

3. Consolidation:
At this point we have to do is take care. That is, a balanced diet but with the caveat that we again have forbidden foods, which in this case are: bread, corn, cheese, fruit, rice, and potatoes. It is perhaps the most challenging because it directly attacks our habits "negative."

4. Stabilization:
At this point, we follow two clear indications. The first is to choose an exclusive day of protein and the second, three tablespoons of oats per day. The contribution of fiber to the diet of these foods is very important in the diet dukan.
In summary, Dukan diet is a reference "media" is anything that receives allegations of lack of scientific rigor. criticism, focus on the propensity to increase blood cholesterol in Phase 1, the excess meat and eggs. Also accused the "regime Dukan of being poor in fiber and fat .

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