Friday, February 4, 2011

Neutrophils High And Low Vitamin D

PICHICHIARATO Racing Albacete. Ass butt goals.

the day league and say 'Well, I see my team and the other parties do not care about any'. A priori there is always one team matches between the lower and a lower-middle area that smell pestiño from the moment of conception.

Fortunately, sometimes it seems that even as both teams given the party itself, is dishevel and start playing without worrying about the defense, simply outstanding scoring goals as if they were in the school yard and is there which gives a show worth remembering.

What I am saying fortunately or unfortunately tends to happen a lot in the cup match in which neither team is going in this life, you know from the outset that they will not win the tournament and play with a level of relaxation in defense encounters ends up becoming the real great game. The case of Almeria Mallorca this year with a 4-3 and 3-4 is a good example.

But I wanted to talk about a single case, that of a Racing de Santander vs Albacete of the season 95/96, the day the two teams tied at five.

Admit it, you've never played a FIFA Racing Albacete in

And in this game should have more defensive errors in the film kits Command. Reviewing
alignments remember a Racing Russian and East players of the post-Dimitri Radchenko with Popov, and Zigmantovic Faizulin. Also walked by the perennial under sticks and Billabona Ceballos.

Football East, arguably the best in the world.

From there crumb Albacete, trained by Benito Floro at the time was seen as a magician of football team able to convert any media into a hopeful title.
But coaches do not live football on the lawn were the promising young Escaich, Maqueda, Zalazar (I think it was the guy who broke the ball on each offense, although at this as I am confused with 'the Bull Aquino'), Bjelica and stay with the doubt of not knowing whether the Moon is shown coming from the Sporting de Gijón.

From then until today I have not seen a tie at five in the league, I think is the record, which has never been tied at six. In fact Albacete took him thirteen years to return to score five goals away from home. Fifteen years have passed
all this history, I hope we can soon return to watch a football orgasm in any field that draft first.

RACING: Ceballos, Luis, Pablo, Roncal (Faizulin 23 '), Billabona, Alberto, Zigmantovic (Thomas 34'), Txema, Iñaki, Popov and Herrera
ALBACETE : Mark, Manolo (Escaich 83 '), Alexander, Thomas, Vasiljevic, Maqueda (Zalazar 55'), Jesus, Josico, Luna, and Riesco Bjelica
-0: Billabona (1 ')
1 - 1 : Bjelica (p.) (10')
1 - 2 : Bjelica (11 ')
2 -2: Faizulin (45)
2 - 3 : Josico (52 ')
2 - 4 : Coco (67)
3 -4: Popov (73 ')
4 -4: Alberto (75')
5 -4: Alberto (80 ')
5 - 5 : Luna (87')


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