Monday, January 17, 2011

What Color Rug Do I Use With An Orange Wall?

Marta Dominguez, Eufemiano Fuentes and the "dance of interest"

Despite all the caveats that we put a charge doping case of the athlete Marta Domínguez, again made clear that the situation of justice and certain sectors of society is more than worrisome. Along with Eufemiano Fuentes, English sport has been dropped for me, reveals an uncomfortable truth.

(Section 2.0) Once the operation "Greyhound" Civil Guard, which were followed, listen (legal) and video recordings, it seems that when everything has entered the judicial arena, begins the true "dance of interest" . It is interesting to look back and recall each other's statements. Focusing on Marta Domínguez, innocent until proven guilty, and strangely I've never heard that is not doped during his career, something is rotten in Palencia . I have disappointed amateur questions are unanswered:

- Why do not you say you've never doped and yet you say you've never traded with performance-enhancing drugs?

- Why do not communicate with the fans and tell them that the accusation is false?

- Why do so many of your colleagues will waiting with the gun loaded?

- How did you get so pronounced muscle development when faced with the finale of "obstacles"? (I know you can get with a lot of training, but also of hope, there are things that help prolong and increase the intensity of)

- How can you keep that chill to the public?

- Teaches key language?

Eufemiano, the emperor is naked

Eufemiano Fuentes was the bad, the "boogeyman" , a person able to steal the mantle to a virgin (exaggeration). Was in all media, everybody talked about him, but enough to be published a statement called you (if you speak, would not world football ) days to disappear from the latest news. So this I also generates a series of unresolved issues :

- Are we afraid of what you say?

- In what professional soccer team and served "dropped" from one day to another?

- What football player turned to the First Division autologous to speed your recovery?

- Why Why are so quiet the doctor?

- Why do the media have forgotten him? Do not be afraid of angry, right?

- Can you send a message and convey that if you're quietly, do not accuse "muchito?

In short, there are many unanswered questions, but what is clear is that many people do not agree that in this case not the whole truth comes out, because we could find a English sport, "sick" , "false" and open to sanctions and gentlemen this is very serious, since in Europe, some countries where sanction, seriously do .


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