Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fragrances That Smell Like Baby Powder

Kazushi Sakuraba Gracie Hunter.

The other day I noticed that one of the most charismatic wrestlers in Japan, Kazushi Sakuraba had an ear torn in the middle of a fight. Had ever thought of writing something about it, because this character holds a nice story and a different way of looking at life within the world of wrestling. Building which has recently been in the news do a little review of his life. I hope you'll find a good character.

ago at home while continuing fighting in Saku, and no wonder because he is a fighter who shows that the good humor and quiet do not have to be at odds with a sport based on the fight.
Soon to be an observer, suddenly you notice how the entries Sakuraba prepares to ring, if long commented costumes Mario Cipollini, Sakuraba has nothing to envy.
When it comes to making a dramatic entrance and get the Japanese public in the pocket Saku removed all the complex and appears to masks or costumes typical Japanese anime characters.

music that sounds so horrible is the one that usually enter the ring.

Two of his most memorable costumes are those of when he went to the anime character mask Male Tigre (Tiger Mask in Japan), paying homage to their favorite series of childhood and what made him want to be a fighter. In Spain I remember that gave the afternoons in Canal +.
Another great day to dress up was when he faced Kevin Randleman known as Donkey Kong. Imaginareis the nickname that had strayed across type, what would be the only way to tackle such gorilla? Well, actually appearing in the ring Super Mario impersonating .

layer was missing to complete the costume, but the detail is great.

But if something is admired and loved in his country is to be known as "the Gracie Hunter." Let's start because this story than meets the eye.


In 1951 Helio Gracie fighter challenges the school valedictorian Kodokan (the headquarters of the judo world community) to a match with its rules. The best student, called Kimura, does not accept the challenge because Helio did not see as a dangerous opponent and which instead takes the challenge one of the best school, Kado, who had a black belt fifth dan. Helio will defeat the rules of judo, thus the attention and respect for Kimura who finally picks up the glove.
Despite the resistance of Helio Gracie, Kimura, larger ends up winning the match with a painful part key that arm. That key is renamed thereafter Kimura.

Helio's children also ended up as wrestlers who curiously had never lost to a Japanese ... Until Sakuraba came decades later.

In the first match against Royler Gracie, no Sakuraba won just over did it with a Kimura, which moved the Japanese public more patriotic. It had been 48 years since the last time a Japanese defeated a Gracie.
The second match was against Royce Gracie. This time the Brazilian called the fight had no time limit, in order to demonstrate who was really the strongest without a judge could decide the points. After 90 minutes, or what is the same: giving communion wafers and a half hours, the corner of Gracie decides to throw in the towel because Royce's legs could not stand the punishment that was undergoing Saku.
The third bout against Renzo Gracie was against Gracie. Back beat Sakuraba and again with a Kimura causing a tremendous ovation from the Japanese public.
The fourth match was against Ryan Gracie and won again. Ryan was the worst fighter of the brothers, in part because he had a life centered on fighting crime.
was shot in 2005, was also arrested several times for various robberies. He was found dead in his cell shortly after being arrested on suspicion of theft.

The next fight against Royce Gracie was against (the 90 minutes) and this time lost. After the defeat Royce failed a doping test, leaving the name of Gracie on the floor. Despite all the rules prevented change the outcome combat and statistics Royce appears as the victor. One side victory, and Royce's reputation was seriously damaged.
on 29-05-2010 faced Sakuraba for the sixth time a Gracie, it was his turn to Ralek and this time Gracie, Sakuraba legally lost against a Gracie. It was by choice, running out of time limit and despite the age difference, since he was 41 years Kazushi Ralek 25, and have broken a streak Sakuraba Ralek celebrated the victory.

And in truth, Sakuraba has never had anything against the Gracie family, has simply been the target who wanted to be Japanese and Saku beat the Gracie.

Beautiful day in a video of communion wafers, small crack which has compiled.


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