Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Raul Gonzalez Blanco

(Section 2.0) This again has achieved, has been shown on pitch their ambition and their ability to fight is above any other player, and has done a day after a striker of his generation, Ronaldo, announced withdrawal not to continue crawling through the fields. Speak or more or less than Raul Gonzalez Blanco.
Raul has always been a different player. It is one of those who dazzled with dribbling print or spectacular goals from invoice, is an athlete first and foremost and a very gentlemanly football in the British Isles.

has always been charged to that player being overrated myth, growing around stars which in turn made him bigger, but all these views have fallen over time, the "Ferrari" in his day called him Fernando Hierro, shows every Sunday which is a major, and also one of ours.


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