Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Skin of "Tigre": male skin types

We exceeded our initial fear about "why" of our facial care. Now it is know to make the right decisions, because the errors with our skin, frankly, are not allowed.

(Section 2.0) The man and woman have different skin, usually of the "gentleman" is more "dense" and the heightened problem of glare , which has nothing to see the headlights of the car ... I hope I have made that clear.

Our skin produces more fat than women, This is because of our hormones, therefore, treatment should be different . If anything, we seem, is the importance we give to the area T .

go more in depth in the future to talk about skin types, but Be clear that there are four types:

Fat: your face if not the city seem Xenon headlights ( very clean, clear pores ).

Seca: Little or no hydrated, your girl could be filing her nails in your cheek ( more moisture).
Normal: Someone says they have been seen, but who knows when. Would be perfect, but always need tinkering . (Needs care just like the others.)

Mixed: As the sandwich, a little meat and some other vegetables, plus mayonnaise . For that, you have oily skin and appearance of dry skin. Hello, my name is Marc and I have combination skin !!...( applause) We love you Marc! (The most common. In each issue, a specific solution).

Well, later we will talk more specifically of each type of skin care and troubleshooting hitherto please stay away from the glare and moisturizes .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Ice and sports injuries

As the wizard of the tribe away from the planet, you always have to carry in your "out" ice. Its properties to reduce inflammation, pain and facilitate recovery, the ice is an essential partner of the athlete.

(Section 2.0) Ice is the base supplement for the treatment of sports injuries. We're not saying it serves only which is a wild card. Ice is a vasoconstrictor, which helps in the recovery process. If you have ever suffered a sprain, you will have experienced the action of ice. First surface acts as an analgesic at reducing pain. Second, anti-inflammatory, as it reduces the blood flow to the area and finally as a stove. Given
acute injuries, the most widespread method for the treatment of injuries is known as RICES :

- R est (Rest)
- Ice (Ice)
- ompression C (Compression)
- ; levation E (Elevation)
- S tabilization (Stabilization)

Rest: Do nothing.
Ice: Apply ice the area (watch out for ice burns)
Compression compression bandage to prevent edema or swelling. (Better a specialist who your mother or female)
Elevation: The injured limb above the heart to "play" with gravity.
Stabilization: relaxation of the injured limb.

Whatever sport you play, with the ice as your ally to reduce damage from the injury. Remember that an injury becomes chronic if not cured properly. Anyway, you should namely, that while at first the cold application is beneficial, more crucial is to visit your doctor, the coach of an athlete who wants to keep his body

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Who is Dean Karnazes? ULTRA-Man Plus


has come to be regarded as the man Strong Planet. Daen Karnazes (August 1962), a businessman over the past changed his life to become an ultramarathon runner who is the inspiration for many athletes and people who see in it the embodiment of the phrase: "Yes you can."

(Section 2.0) His strength is in huge biceps, or legs of a giant, all the experts confirm that the strength to face these distances is in the mind and Dean Karnazes has been shown to spare . Despite this, he has had moments in which the body has had enough , as situations in which it has been running asleep, to wake up hours later in an abandoned road that yesterday was a challenge to meet.

The origin goals in this life has a beginning "peculiar." The day of his birthday 30, while he enjoyed with his friends, something blew a spring in your head and decided to start running 30 miles (40 km) and at the same time the gap left behind, left lifestyle.

Your training routine is "simple": rose between four five to address about 35 miles distance away from most of humanity . The second preparatory session begins afternoon, and again, wearing his shoes, pulled on the road for about two hours.

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Kazushi Sakuraba Gracie Hunter.

The other day I noticed that one of the most charismatic wrestlers in Japan, Kazushi Sakuraba had an ear torn in the middle of a fight. Had ever thought of writing something about it, because this character holds a nice story and a different way of looking at life within the world of wrestling. Building which has recently been in the news do a little review of his life. I hope you'll find a good character.

ago at home while continuing fighting in Saku, and no wonder because he is a fighter who shows that the good humor and quiet do not have to be at odds with a sport based on the fight.
Soon to be an observer, suddenly you notice how the entries Sakuraba prepares to ring, if long commented costumes Mario Cipollini, Sakuraba has nothing to envy.
When it comes to making a dramatic entrance and get the Japanese public in the pocket Saku removed all the complex and appears to masks or costumes typical Japanese anime characters.

music that sounds so horrible is the one that usually enter the ring.

Two of his most memorable costumes are those of when he went to the anime character mask Male Tigre (Tiger Mask in Japan), paying homage to their favorite series of childhood and what made him want to be a fighter. In Spain I remember that gave the afternoons in Canal +.
Another great day to dress up was when he faced Kevin Randleman known as Donkey Kong. Imaginareis the nickname that had strayed across type, what would be the only way to tackle such gorilla? Well, actually appearing in the ring Super Mario impersonating .

layer was missing to complete the costume, but the detail is great.

But if something is admired and loved in his country is to be known as "the Gracie Hunter." Let's start because this story than meets the eye.


In 1951 Helio Gracie fighter challenges the school valedictorian Kodokan (the headquarters of the judo world community) to a match with its rules. The best student, called Kimura, does not accept the challenge because Helio did not see as a dangerous opponent and which instead takes the challenge one of the best school, Kado, who had a black belt fifth dan. Helio will defeat the rules of judo, thus the attention and respect for Kimura who finally picks up the glove.
Despite the resistance of Helio Gracie, Kimura, larger ends up winning the match with a painful part key that arm. That key is renamed thereafter Kimura.

Helio's children also ended up as wrestlers who curiously had never lost to a Japanese ... Until Sakuraba came decades later.

In the first match against Royler Gracie, no Sakuraba won just over did it with a Kimura, which moved the Japanese public more patriotic. It had been 48 years since the last time a Japanese defeated a Gracie.
The second match was against Royce Gracie. This time the Brazilian called the fight had no time limit, in order to demonstrate who was really the strongest without a judge could decide the points. After 90 minutes, or what is the same: giving communion wafers and a half hours, the corner of Gracie decides to throw in the towel because Royce's legs could not stand the punishment that was undergoing Saku.
The third bout against Renzo Gracie was against Gracie. Back beat Sakuraba and again with a Kimura causing a tremendous ovation from the Japanese public.
The fourth match was against Ryan Gracie and won again. Ryan was the worst fighter of the brothers, in part because he had a life centered on fighting crime.
was shot in 2005, was also arrested several times for various robberies. He was found dead in his cell shortly after being arrested on suspicion of theft.

The next fight against Royce Gracie was against (the 90 minutes) and this time lost. After the defeat Royce failed a doping test, leaving the name of Gracie on the floor. Despite all the rules prevented change the outcome combat and statistics Royce appears as the victor. One side victory, and Royce's reputation was seriously damaged.
on 29-05-2010 faced Sakuraba for the sixth time a Gracie, it was his turn to Ralek and this time Gracie, Sakuraba legally lost against a Gracie. It was by choice, running out of time limit and despite the age difference, since he was 41 years Kazushi Ralek 25, and have broken a streak Sakuraba Ralek celebrated the victory.

And in truth, Sakuraba has never had anything against the Gracie family, has simply been the target who wanted to be Japanese and Saku beat the Gracie.

Beautiful day in a video of communion wafers, small crack which has compiled.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Lucozade Alert, breaks down the mental barrier

That more and more food companies are looking for the "intelligence" food is a reality. A clear example of this is the Lucozade brand, famous throughout the world by one of their products: glucose drink for athletes. " On this occasion I would like to talk about the Lucozade Alert Plus, lots of 60ml, which after trying it in the middle of a workout, I can admit that the results are amazing.

Lucozade Alert Plus, Bebida energética, que hace (Section 2.0) half of the week, training after work and before the routine devastating leg. With these conditions, I tested the new product of Lucozade, the " Lucozade Alert Plus .
This drink (not recommended under 16 and pregnant women ) is presented in a small 60ml bottle , with the usual bright colors with which we have characterized the brand. It is impossible not to notice them, despite their small size, in some supermarket shelves. Certainly, attention, and that was, the desire to satisfy my curiosity, which led me to buy Lucozade Alert Plus .

The Lucozade Alert Plus is a combined caffeine and vitamins (type B) , with only two calories . With caffeine to stay alert and managed to raise our levels of concentration, which makes sense if we recall that within the 60ml 120mg of product we exciting. Perhaps the product in regard to its application sports, mainly attacks the mental section, lacking carbohydrates and electrolytes needed to replenish our reserves, but I'ma strong advocate that most training is a battle mental. When you can not deal with a number over 100 meters, pole vault last uprising or "bench", one must know who is the head that is saying no.

My personal experience has been amazing . Training faced with the constraints I mentioned above and after making a half of training, I could finish without problems. Perhaps due to a snag, when I got home and I'm usually in bed two hours later, it fell into the arms of Morpheus after 4 hours, Lucozade Alert Plus, has been a good choice. Nutritional Information

Caffeine 120 mg, 5.4 mg niacin

(30% RDA) Vitamin B6

0.6 mg (30% RDA) Vitamin B12

mg (30% RDA)

* (CDR) Number Recommended daily

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Marta Dominguez, Eufemiano Fuentes and the "dance of interest"

Despite all the caveats that we put a charge doping case of the athlete Marta Domínguez, again made clear that the situation of justice and certain sectors of society is more than worrisome. Along with Eufemiano Fuentes, English sport has been dropped for me, reveals an uncomfortable truth.

(Section 2.0) Once the operation "Greyhound" Civil Guard, which were followed, listen (legal) and video recordings, it seems that when everything has entered the judicial arena, begins the true "dance of interest" . It is interesting to look back and recall each other's statements. Focusing on Marta Domínguez, innocent until proven guilty, and strangely I've never heard that is not doped during his career, something is rotten in Palencia . I have disappointed amateur questions are unanswered:

- Why do not you say you've never doped and yet you say you've never traded with performance-enhancing drugs?

- Why do not communicate with the fans and tell them that the accusation is false?

- Why do so many of your colleagues will waiting with the gun loaded?

- How did you get so pronounced muscle development when faced with the finale of "obstacles"? (I know you can get with a lot of training, but also of hope, there are things that help prolong and increase the intensity of)

- How can you keep that chill to the public?

- Teaches key language?

Eufemiano, the emperor is naked

Eufemiano Fuentes was the bad, the "boogeyman" , a person able to steal the mantle to a virgin (exaggeration). Was in all media, everybody talked about him, but enough to be published a statement called you (if you speak, would not world football ) days to disappear from the latest news. So this I also generates a series of unresolved issues :

- Are we afraid of what you say?

- In what professional soccer team and served "dropped" from one day to another?

- What football player turned to the First Division autologous to speed your recovery?

- Why Why are so quiet the doctor?

- Why do the media have forgotten him? Do not be afraid of angry, right?

- Can you send a message and convey that if you're quietly, do not accuse "muchito?

In short, there are many unanswered questions, but what is clear is that many people do not agree that in this case not the whole truth comes out, because we could find a English sport, "sick" , "false" and open to sanctions and gentlemen this is very serious, since in Europe, some countries where sanction, seriously do .

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A simple bump in the road may present an insurmountable obstacle for some people, but others continue tireless forward even if they drop a mountain. The spirit of survival, resistance to pain, effort, perseverance ... Are some values \u200b\u200bthat help us stay alive, and sports a reach heights of heroism certainly admirable.

reading a few days ago a book I had the idea to make a little music video with the experiences of several athletes who, by overcoming adversity, found within themselves the strength and the solution to their problems. Some of the characters in the video are well known, like Lance Armstrong and Alex Zanardi. These two athletes virtually "came alive" after the enormous personal tragedies such as cancer or amputation of both legs, reborn from its ashes and became even louder, if possible.
Other stories are also worthy of admiration, like Dick and Rick Hoyt, a father and son have competed in countless marathons and triathlons. Something that already itself would be remarkable, but even more so by the fact that Rick, the son, has cerebral palsy from birth. His father made during the competition all the effort, but thanks to that Rick can feel for a moment as an athlete more. He once said: "The greatest gift that I would ask my father is to sit in my wheelchair and pushes him even though I was once ..."

Another story of father and son is that of Derek Redmond. The British athlete was presented at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics as one of the favorites to hang the gold medal in the 400 meters. In semfinales, shortly after getting out, he noticed a pain in the thigh and discovered that he had broken his Achilles tendon. Trying to overcome the pain and kept running but could hardly walk, until his father left the stands and stormed into the ring to tell Derek to retire. He began to mourn over his shoulder and asked him to accompany him and he ayudade to reach the finish line.

And finally there is Kerri Strug, a member of the "magnificent 7" of the U.S. gymnastics team in Atlanta 96. In the absence of a pony jump, America plays the gold with Russia. Kerri jumps but breaks down the ligaments in his right ankle on the first try. At that time the choice was to retreat and lose or ignore the unbearable pain and risk to win. Encouraged by her coach, Kerri decided to jump back and in a move that will go down in history, nailed a perfect jump falling on your good foot while the other tries to maintain balance. U.S. gold and Kerri Strug, the most quiet and anonymous team, turned into the queen of the world. How are you

stories happen every day. In sport, as in life, there are times when we have everything against them and nothing seems to get worse. The easy thing is to follow the stream and into a spiral of complacency and self-destruction, but luckily there are still people who check two eggs and decides to remain happy no matter what

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can Your Face Swell From Not Enough Sleep?

hyperbaric medicine, an aid for athletes

injuries will always be there. Even with the maximum load control exercise, diet or the mechanics of it if you are an athlete, at some point your body will suffer. One of the technological advances of "fashion" these days, is the use of the hyperbaric chamber to improve these situations.

cámara hiperbárica, interior (Section 2.0) The basis for the application of hyperbaric chambers for treatment of sports injuries is very simple, is based on the fact that oxygen promotes healing of wounds and fractures . A sports injury in most situations is accompanied by a certain lack of "arrival" of oxygen to the affected area, which increases recovery time.

subjecting the body to increased atmospheric pressure, we get an increase of dissolved oxygen plasma, in turn, the damaged areas have more oxygen therefore improving and accelerating recovery. There would have to say that this type of treatment requires expertise and above all for now, is out of reach of the amateur athlete, who will find in the ice, his "camera home.

should be noted that the hyperbaric for athletes, not only focuses its action on the lesion, but also has beneficial effects on healthy subjects. For these, strengthens the immune system and as a result of this oxygen "general" is improved capacity of concentration and recovery time between tests or training, which prevents overload thereof.

Many football teams have used the hyperbaric chamber, as well as all the aforementioned, it can also replace the cumbersome work of scheduled meetings in height, but that, more later.

In summary, hyperbaric medicine is here to stay in the world of sport, as they said in a movie, "until I die or find a better

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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The trial Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou returns to delayed

( ) The trial for alleged false statements in a doping scandal on the eve of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, which are involved in Greek athletes Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou has been postponed once again this Wednesday.

After several delays the trial date, it seemed that this Wednesday would a final decision, but the lack of witnesses has made solving the case be postponed for the umpteenth time. According to court officials, the trial will be resumed on 21 January. More

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Upscaling Player Vs Receiver

Means compression, fad or reality?

Just take a couple of years between sport practitioners and normal and have become very popular. Compression stockings for athletes, most athletes have become a staple of the equipment ... but are they useful? or is it another placebo item? can fight varicose veins?

(Body 2.0) It's funny how something that used a long time people with circulatory problems in the lower body has become essential equipment for some element and good looks when they go to "run" to others.

Technically, the concept of using the means of the athletes and our "grandmothers" are the same, improve the efficiency of the deep and superficial venous in the legs, were the savior against varices. To oversimplify, we could say that seeks upward pressure, high to low, from ankle to that there is no the backflow of blood. Much of the role of compression hosiery is designed to facilitate the oxygenation of the muscles of the legs during training or testing.

sports professionals use two types of stockings, the training and post training . The first are adapted with non-slip pads and elements that facilitate its use movement, while the latter is to facilitate recovery , drainage and focus only on compression.

The placebo effect may exist , but most agree that they work, and not only a sports such as athletics, but has evolved to other disciplines like e l football, basketball or skiing . The manufacturers make changes under each sport, in this regard, I want to make clear that we must observe the subject commercial companies and their pursuit of profit.

In summary, compression stockings work, are good for the sport and certainly over time, we will apply the concept to parts of the body.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Festina case

few months ago I talked about Tom Simpson, the man who died on his bike because of the amphetamines are taken to improve performance. And I wanted to talk, the second chapter about doping in cycling, the Festina case.

We are located in summer 1998 ready to begin the tour in Irish land. In the customs of the country there is a tip in which arrest the Festina masseur to import drugs without authorization. In the excitement no one knew what was going on and the race continued. Days later we learned that the 'medicine' were no other thing that EPO, growth hormones and testosterone.

On July 17 the organization decides to expel the Festina team. That team was not one more, came to win the tour:
Richard Virenque, Alex Zulle , Laurent Brochard, Pascal Herve, Christophe Moreau, Didier Rous, Laurent Dufaux, Armin Meier and Australian Neil Stephens. Displaying
components that unless you tell me all sound Armin Meier and I'm sad to think about what happened that year because it would have been a very entertaining tour being in the ointment here with normal racing.

Richard Virenque leaving the tour. Took its toll on doping her hair.

Once you pull the blanket begins with the French police records to other teams, drug tests, arrests and the visit of 'vampire' at odd hours. Until then, if he had but certainly anti-doping controls were not as frequent or extensive as they are now.

To protest the poor treatment and the presumption of guilt of all the riders, there are two cyclists who choose to represent the squad and defend the innocence of their peers: The charismatic and French rider Laurent Jalabert superclass and former world champion and great hijodeputa Danish Bjarne Riis liar, who has seen and whom he sees.

Pantani with the rest of the pack by refusing to run.

After a tour full of stoppages, pachanga rhythm stages, days in which no one wore the bibs and other outbursts and fights between the organization and the runners cross the finish line in Paris 96 of the 189 who began the tour.

Valreas - Grenoble 1998. Winner: Piranha

Among the English teams had a pact to leave the tour in protest at the treatment of the organization. Mark memory as the headline on the cover proudly that 'no English just the tour' and the director Manolo Saiz boast of having ruined by all the tour saying that he had put a finger in the ass to the organization.

now is very different today, if a country suspected of doping that is Spain. We recently had two cases that have dotted our present and we have flushed the eyes of the world: the case of greyhound counter clenbuterol.
What bothers me most is the treatment from the press and the excuses that seem to lead nowhere.
For Contador first was the steak that he ate a half day tour, then the farmers said that what it's pouring cleaning his brown shit on.
The truth is that today it is unclear what has been but Alberto is already in the shadow of suspicion and the UCI to take to Spain as a country not serious in regard to anti-doping.
Some may think that more controls should be yet, I think it's a matter of education received by each man for himself.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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The Curse of the Little Bastard

As we all know, James Dean died on September 30, 1955, at 24 years old and the wheel of his "Little Bastard", a name he named his latest acquisition, a Porsche 550 Spyder silver.'d just shoot his latest film Gigante, and to celebrate was to go along with his friend Rolf Wütherich mechanic at a car race near San Francisco. Never arrive, because along the way suffered a collision with another vehicle causing death. Although the irony of this accident is not to go to contest a race, but his last performance was in an advertisement in which he warned about the dangers of speed.

There are many myths about this actor, whose career is as successful as transient. This is not a story about the myth of actor James Dean or James Dean on the pilot, is about the legend surrounding his car, his Little Bastard.

The curse began the day of the accident that killed the actor, when they went to tow the Porsche on a truck driver was killed in this way. Then, a mechanic named George Barris bought the car.
When the car arrived at Barris garage, in a fatal accident fell on top of one of its employees, leaving the poor man with no legs. After the event Barris decided to sell it in pieces among racing fans. In 1956, the man who bought the motor car James Dean, died during his first race. On the other hand, who bought the transmission suffered another car accident that left him wounded. Another of the guests, the young man who kept the wheels, had an accident, which happened due to a defect in the tire rubber. Midfielder Dean's Porsche was the Barris himself. A young man tried to steal, and attempt to cut off the arm.

Barris, incredulous, tried by all means dispose of the car and gave it to an exhibition where the car fell off its stand hip snapping a teenager. When the car had to be moved back into a truck, the truck had an accident and their driver also died. Again, Barris loaned the car to an exhibition in Miami. The truck that transported it up there mysteriously disappeared. Never was heard of the Little Bastard of James Dean, and I think is the best thing ever happened to racing in the twentieth century.