Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Ice and sports injuries

As the wizard of the tribe away from the planet, you always have to carry in your "out" ice. Its properties to reduce inflammation, pain and facilitate recovery, the ice is an essential partner of the athlete.

(Section 2.0) Ice is the base supplement for the treatment of sports injuries. We're not saying it serves only which is a wild card. Ice is a vasoconstrictor, which helps in the recovery process. If you have ever suffered a sprain, you will have experienced the action of ice. First surface acts as an analgesic at reducing pain. Second, anti-inflammatory, as it reduces the blood flow to the area and finally as a stove. Given
acute injuries, the most widespread method for the treatment of injuries is known as RICES :

- R est (Rest)
- Ice (Ice)
- ompression C (Compression)
- ; levation E (Elevation)
- S tabilization (Stabilization)

Rest: Do nothing.
Ice: Apply ice the area (watch out for ice burns)
Compression compression bandage to prevent edema or swelling. (Better a specialist who your mother or female)
Elevation: The injured limb above the heart to "play" with gravity.
Stabilization: relaxation of the injured limb.

Whatever sport you play, with the ice as your ally to reduce damage from the injury. Remember that an injury becomes chronic if not cured properly. Anyway, you should namely, that while at first the cold application is beneficial, more crucial is to visit your doctor, the coach of an athlete who wants to keep his body


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