Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ford Mondeo Where Is Outside Temperature

Carrera Las Arenas - Bilbao

December 26, I joined one of these popular races with Melo Christmas, it was the Sands, Liverpool, 11.8 miles.
A flat course on the banks of the estuary, one that gives its name to the famous song 'From Santurce to Bilbao ...', with a temperature of between 1 and 3 degrees. I had never

Run something like that and I must say I liked the experience, I hope to repeat next year. Now I'll tell you a little summary of the week:

On the way to the suspension bridge, which was the start of the race, the train passed the station Lamiako . There I saw a huge wall with a painted one of the first teams of Athletic and my friend told me that in the dilapidated football ground could be seen next door was where he started playing a prehistoric Athletic in 1898. As I said before this season had no place so that the train speed decreased a bit for people to leap up.

The Lamiako painted.

Once we arrived at the race we realized we arrived a bit early, since there would be about fifty people and all of the same court; Purete thin, professional clothing, good-looking warm and know what coming. At that time we both thought we were going to let the pavilion rather low. Fortunately children soon began to arrive and people like us just love the sport and wanted to lie down in the morning with a run in the cold. Seeing a lot of people in uniform with my colleague clothing Decathlon said something that made me quite grace: 'How much damage did the Decathlon this sport, you see anyone with professional clothing and scares you. "

And then what was coming to do was run. At first I went with my fellow-sufferer, until I saw that with the pace that we had were not going anywhere, so I remembered what that individual sports are for one person and rarely go well together. I apologized and permission to leave my companion shot and I rushed forward to see if at least at some point he saw the head of the race (that dreamer!). At the time I came to my mind the image of Goku running down the road to the tiny planet snake master Kaito and I started playing the tune of the series.

Na na, na na nananana, nananana titi titi tiri tiri tititi tititi ...

And so to reach the goal in the post 364 of the more than 1800. Discrete time 54:39. I suppose an athlete or someone who has trained at least will start to laugh at me. To avoid this I hope to be there next year and improve my own time, which ultimately is what it is to surpass oneself.

After that pick a gift for participating and walk pintxos and pots for Bilbao. What more could you ask for a Sunday morning?

Al a while to finish the race I discovered that I had made a mess in the foot.

PD: Thanks to Melo, a member of blog participation in the event. I would have been a terrible lazy to do all this alone. I hope that next year will encourage a friend to do the race.


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