Friday, May 13, 2011

Install Aluminum Floor In Boat

D-The route of cholesterol in San Roque

Today, due to circumstances, I trained in San Roque, my hometown. Had so long without coming, which happens to have synthetic track (crappy, but synthetic) at the stadium where my first lap was going.
As had left football and Pinar del Rey lejillos caught me, I went to the old main road N-340, now (in fact some years ago) converted to rail or road services to the casino. However, it is also known by another name, the route of cholesterol.
The name comes because the slope has is bearable and you can walk 2.5 miles each way to ease the pain of those whose tests have shown that triglycerides exceed recommended limits.
is that I can throw a very big bluff, but I was one of the first to use this route to go, more specifically when I was in college before 2000, but may not specify the year. I think they were road works in the Pinar del Rey, so I went to this road to do my workouts over 2 hours while returning home for holidays. Needless to say, there only occasional passing car, but today I found many people who helped me to keep pace. I think that none has tried to keep my pace or imitate, but I have not looked back. Once in town
just remember me and I do not think they even know that guy weird neighbor who goes out once and it became something. Not much, but it was at least the only walker in town.
From yield sign next to the tennis club until the end of the bridge leading to the reservoir is about 2.5 kms, for those who arrive here by chance and are curious. Today, not having slept well and drive many miles in the legs, I did 55:59 in 2 turns, which is not bad.
to see how many years pass before he returns to do the same route.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thermoelectricity Pros And Cons


who seeks finds .........

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Ep 3


Naive, stupid
and pessimistic.
arises in me a strange prodigious pride.
I'm next, you
But no
only recognize you in your soft words
and round.

Green is love.
Being with you is have you.
be in you from yourself and out of me.
Together in the mist. The calm relaxing.
And always silent.
All poetry to a simmer.
Carved in marble.
speed, boldness and courage.

Morales José Cuadrado

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The last day we left free time on Thursday, May 5, we were on the mushrooms of the Incarnation. We went from here on foot, giving a comforting stroll through the streets of the city. Trying to avoid traffic, so we were on the c entered. As we talked the walk was short. When we wanted to realize we were on the mushrooms. For if you do not know, the Seville does not cost us anything, it's free.
expect a queue that seemed would never end but would more rapidly than it seemed. There were two lifts. We took two groups. Rafa won his vertigo and work up the strength to take a walk through the hills. There is a wonderful journey. Is seen throughout the city. It is as if lifted. It looks to Aljarafe. Turning up the concrete floor looks, but it is not. You realize it shakes. Not a tremor to panic, but to attract attention. Not that I notice during the tour, but there are places to sit. Looking at the thickness of the sheets, we conclude that those should have at most an inch. Not to be alarmist, that's for sure. To
both enjoy a leisurely stroll to not a few feet above the city but at least we were three or four meters. What is certain is that something is very wrong with wheelchair accessible cart, because at the top of the setae are many steps.
The truth is that when you're up there seems to disconnect from the city. If you upload a sunny day like we did, you lose sight on the horizon. See the Cathedral, behind the bridge of the Quinto Centenario, the Alamillo Bridge, the Barqueta. The Aljarafe ... see Sevilla and its surroundings. The journey is humbug.
The pity is that we still have not opened to the public on "Anticuarium (archaeological museum). The market is working and if you have not been worth seeing. Will open shops under the mushrooms and what merchants say the area, houses are going firm, like Zara, who apparently has bought local.

Pedro Sánchez Morilla.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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D-Disappointed with Bosco Sport tracksuit

For many years I was trying to get a tracksuit Bosco Sport brand that for more signs, is leading the Russian team at the Olympics with such ornaments as fringed. He had stores located in Moscow where if you ever sold for, or knew someone would do me the favor, but in the end it was not necessary.
few months ago I got to buy on Ebay for about 60 euros, when its value reaches far in Russia (according to sources close to 180 euros). They are very nice, but once seats are too picturesque. I decided that would be my tracksuit on Sunday and so far it has.
The one I bought was red pants and white top and red. The bottom of the washing and I have had no problems but ... when washing the top of the wash. Left red marks on the white and dry cleaning said he had no solution. After treatment with bleach on the stains to get even worse has been so rendered unusable for Sunday, much to my regret. For those who intend to buy the tracksuit, I recommend you not buy at the target. To me and I have removed the desire shown by the poor quality. I have ruled out an imitation because the labels were the original, so the problem was not that.
Only I have the consolation of being able to use when training at night is the winter season. We

Monday, May 9, 2011

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C-Cube The problem

to 8 º mathematical challenge of the newspaper "El País". It is to be placing on each vertex of a cube (a die mathematically speaking, that we understand) a value can be 1 or -1. With this we have 8 values, one for each corner, we're going to add. The result we add a number for each face of the cube that correspond to the product of its vertices (which must be 1 or -1 depending on the number of -1 that is in the vertices). Adding these 14 values, girls who proposed the problem ask that this amount is 0 by changing the values \u200b\u200bof the vertices at will.
The 256 possible cases are less in reality because many cases are symmetries or rotations of other cases. Advised not to try all cases for one simple reason: there is no solution. Oops, I escaped. Well, as I have annoyed saying there is no solution, we must now show why there is not no test all possible cases. I leave
This entry scheduled for 23:30 with my proposed solution in case someone wants to copy and send. This is the link of "country" with the proposal of the problem in video. The poor kid will mess up the end, but as they had recorded almost the entire presentation, someone with evil intentions decided to leave it to people laugh a little of it. We are involved around 2000 people, which says those who are really interested in this sort of thing. I will not say that Spain is participating because many people outside our borders.

response is no solution.
Keep in mind that the 256 possible combinations are not really so since some of them are rotations or symmetries of others, but still calculate all time consuming.
Let's name to the upper edges of the A1, A2, A3 and A4, and the underside B1, B2, B3 and B4.
Let's split the load into 2 groups, first the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the edges, which is adding Ai and Bi with i = 1,2,3,4, and second the sum of the products of the edges of each side, 6 total. A1A2A3A4, B1B2B3B4, A1A2B1B2, A3A4B3B4, A1A3B1B3 and A2A4B2B4.
Suppose we change a value, such as the A1 rotations and symmetries gives equal value to change. Change A1 in the first group involves moving from -1 to 1 or vice versa, thus the result of the sum would be -2 or +2. A1 Change in the second group would like to change the polarity of 3 of these products. Possible cases would be the following:
-1, -1, -1 -> 1,1,1 => +6
-1, -1.1 -> 1.1, -1 => +2
-1,1,1 -> 1, -1, -1 => -2
1,1,1 -> -1, -1, -1 => ; -6
The result of the variation of the sum-case scenario each time you change an edge would then be:
a) -2 +4 +6 =
b) +2 +8 +6 =
c) -2 +2 = 0
d) +2 +4 +2 =
e) -2 to 2 =- 4
f) +2-2 = 0
g) -2 to 6 =- 8
h) +2-6 =- 4
With this we can deduce that each variation is to increase or reduce the amount in a multiple of 4.
Take now one of the possible cases. Adding individual variations of its edges can reach every possible combination and we know that these variations are multiples of 4. Let us start with the one in which all edges are 1 and we find that the sum of the first group is 8, the total number of edges, and the sum of the second group, being the product in the 6 +1 possible cases is 6, bringing the total would be 14.
As we reach the case where the sum is 0, we deduce that it is not possible to reach that solution as there is no integer x such that 14 +4 X = 0.

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society itself is unjust live in a world full of problems, issues to be resolved on an almost daily question of what to try, like we're co nd to a kind of torture continuous we do not know where it comes from and how far we can go. We are slaves of ourselves, we are like prisoners who meet every day taking a test to continue living even if we have to tread and move beyond our own friends, relatives or acquaintances in order to reach this goal we pursue constantly. All this makes us so stressed, we reached a point where we lose our temper and we usually pay the first person who passes by us, without it be at fault. And every year we worse than above while others enjoy a life of luxuries of all kinds at the expense of us fend for themselves wherever and however.
policy is all a lie, a lie is just talk of characters and ties that we want to introduce in our minds nothing but wishful thinking never become das compliance by themselves, as politicians live at our expense fucking bone and charge astronomical amounts of money as they are to their own! ...
We have to move forward on our own that already, in many cases are too limited, we must break down very easily and unfortunately there are those who are fortunate to be stronger mentally and have the courage and that blood out of these types of situations.
The truth is that I personally do not see any change in the coming years or even for when you take many more years that we'll be in the afterlife, that we are dust and to dust we .... Regrettable.

Jaime Castillo.

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Captain Tsubasa returns to consoles. SMOKE CURTAIN

These days has come to hand the game to DS 'Captain Tsubasa New Kick Off'. That is, a set of Oliver and Benji in the making.

For those who have never seen a Champions game I must say that have not been very attentive since they carry periodically taking games in the series since the NES days, first released in 1988 and although the title may seem a game of football with the Champions license the truth is hidden within a game cartridge is very well thought out strategy.

The mechanics of the game is based on a map with the pitch and a ball representing to each player. When you have the ball at his feet in advance and you come across a rival freezes time and you see a menu of options to choose from if you want to dribble, pass, shoot or do nothing. Choose the option you want statistics Based on both your player and the opponent and from there the machine does the calculation to see who would come out winner of the match.
Needless to say, if you have a player with special techniques (shot hawk, tiger, infernal catapults, Dodge super, super stop ...) enlighten you on the menu for execution, although this requires a lot of energy and if you get too much at stake to your star you can end up draining it.

In my experience 'Campeonil' virtual I came across with two games in my life: the first was Captain Tsubasa IV for SNES (1993). Which I had to play import and Japanese menus. It was hard work, but a whole summer of boredom gives many things to learn, and in my case meant I did learn that each of the options relying on the signs he saw. There are two things I remember especially one cartridge:
It was advanced by the parties that unless the super shot will pull your star player was IMPOSSIBLE to score with a normal shot. Never knew
Who was the blond ponytail the new rival appeared Óliver final.

Anda times I saw this intro

Champions The second game that I was able to get my hands on was the Captain Tsubasa J: Get in the Tomorrow's PlayStation (1996) and really only tried it one morning at a friend's house. This arcade game was, without a field map to tell you where your teammates. 11 to 11 and play, losing part of the fun and getting out enough of what have been the hallmarks of the series Captain Tsubasa.

I love how it freak the Japanese.

The party to whom the game is the kick off New , created in 2010 as a tribute to 30 anniversary of the appearance of the series.
The nostalgia of taking the ball to Oliver, clear to Bruce or trying to avoid a catapult hell is priceless. You can also learn some curiosity as to the visitor shirt New Team (or Nankatsu original version) is red.
As he points against fault length of the parties, that dialogue and dialogue between meetings usually exceed the half-hour without being able to save. And that on a handheld is a suicide because they are designed to throw a quick game and quit.
Another cool thing is that I do not players have the original names of the anime. For those who have read the volumes that will be great but for me I've only seen the series at first I just telecinco rolling. Although this is a disease that is cured over vice.

I still have to applaud the courage of Konami to launch a new soccer game, I have pretty tired of all time based on licenses and see how each year there are two series that share the cake without anyone even dare to put the muzzle. Do we not now enjoy of a game if you have real names? Is it that we are unable to choose between teams and play an arcade game? Have not we spent the breast with Super Sidekicks? Can not it be fun to play with buttons only shooting, passing and mowed?
seems that the answer to all these questions is NO . Now or play with Messi or CR7, or play FIFA or PRO and if you like online play because everyone forget about the world is caught in the same four teams.

Besides FIFA and PRO the latest I've seen on football games is the captain Tsubasa, Inazuma Eleven (another license for a series on the DS) and Pure Football, although this Finally it could have been saved.

Anyway dear readers, if you want to know more about Captain Tsubasa games consoles have no more to read this interesting article of Jose M. Fernandez-Spidey- he wrote some years ago Meristation.
And if you like and write the great Spidey, who by the way I once knew, see their web methodological .

Óliver Aton is also from Athletic Bilbao.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Song Is Used In Shock 2?

D-Cto. Andalucia 2011 O-BM Long Distance

As is traditional every year is celebrated in Cerralba (Málaga) an orientation test on a bicycle where I usually help out if I match a hole in the calendar. This year was also the CTO. Andalusia long distance, well that was noticed as it has been a beating for all riders. The
COMA page can see the results and some photos.
A place has touched me and I ended up beacons trap without knowing exactly why because I've only run a few sections with a rod of iron in one hand and a Machota in another, that if uphill. I miss
run these tests because I had a good time but with my current level of guidance, it would be wrong because more lost than a monkey in a china shop and that's no fun. To avoid temptation this year I have not taken leave of guidance and do not think the serve.
The concern today is that one of the runners did not reach the control area brokers and have been looking for the circuit thinking that there had been a piñazo. In the end, thanks to the beacon electronic, we have seen that has gone through goal but not the control. People have very little regard to these things because when something happens one day be like the story of Peter and the Wolf.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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As May arrives, the communions come and August sales and many companies involved in the merchandising of these events. Believe it even gets the sailor suit but evolved as they put up the gallons of admiral.
My nephew has done today and the family has attended the event in full. As always in these things, especially when you have to move from Malaga to Cadiz, is that incidents arise. We respect the other members just going to have mine. First, I forgot the belt of his trousers and had to improvise with an unmissable to let me go when I bent over, with the consequent fall of pants, but fortunately was mild and could not see anything to let me in an awkward position. I could fix it later thanks to my nephew to leave me your belt. Yes, my nephew of 10 years, I am left with a wasp waist.
The second issue has been repeated time and my youngest son by his young age, does not take very well to be silent in places where they should be, so I missed almost the entire ceremony. This happened in the last communion, although the protagonist was my other son.
's theme First Communion has changed in the last 25 years a lot. I remember I had to go through a lot of homes of relatives to get around 15000 pesetas (90 euros) and there was no invitation or anything. In fact I remember there was no cake. Besides the gifts were of merchandising and, if I remember correctly, there were a few pens, diaries and anything more than that.
Now, many children, I would say that almost 99%, making the communion by gifts or because parents force them. At least you drop the Playstation and, unless you have a blessed family in the family, get rid of Bibles, catechisms and the "memories of my first communion." With
also treats there are even some competitiveness. Before, the children finished eating and were living there in bothering the rest of the staff and waiters. Now, they hire clowns, floating castles and wizards as a general term, while the competition means that to bring more fans to your celebration and the more gifts for the "communion" people do capeas, the click on or go-kart I even ride a circus.
This year sees the crisis has also had its influence and there is a cut in budgets. My brother jokingly commented that there were incoming feed, after some prawns and, finally, the cake. That if, for drinking all the water you wanted. I write it down because bad idea.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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"Why the dog moves the tail? Because the dog is smarter than the tail if the tail were smarter it would move the dog."

This sentence begins movie "Wag the Dog" . A film that puts us in the following situation: The U.S. president is accused of sexual harassment a few weeks before the general election, and its directors and image consultants decide to invent a war with a country in Eastern Europe to divert attention . To give credibility to the matter, they hire a famous film director, the fictional war seasoned with striking special effects, serve as puncture slogans and even pretend a kidnapping behind enemy lines.

of this film I remembered these days, having seen the insane chain of duels between Barcelona and Madrid and the sad consequences of these clashes. Instead of football, we've just seen a really formatted as what really sells is that UEFA is corrupt, that Barcelona has spread tentacles in all sports institutions and all sports results are due to non-sporting conspiracies . As in the movie I started speaking, we have a number of actors playing to sell a commercial reality, but that's not reality.

To put it another way, we met with people less appropriate in the most inopportune times, creating the perfect breeding ground for a large campaign of manipulation and sectarianism. On the one hand we have as president of Real Madrid to a man with influence, much more than you think. Because a person who leaves a club in dire leaving sports, and again three years after the institution without even having to go through an election, it is certainly a man of power. Florentino Pérez may not be a "higher" , but an ordinary man can not get him to accept the reclassification of land Sports of the ancient city to raise her four towers reported 100,000 million pesetas. It is also a man who has supported almost majority of the media.

At a lower level than we have a coach like Mourinho, a man who seems eternally angry with the world, whose only currency is the triumph no matter how people do or have to be ahead. Tension and victories together hand in hand, the perfect ingredients for press: when Mourinho wins games, gives holders arsonists. Because, when a resultadista runs out of results, what's left?

Moreover, we are in the call "media war" , which apparently the hostages are the spectators. Unfortunately, the men in charge of this war are people of the likes of Alfredo Relaño, Eduardo Inda, Juan Antonio Alcalá, Jose Ramon de la Morena, Paco García Caridad and Josep Pedrerol. People who do not hesitate to sell his mother to the highest bidder and even put a bow if that they get a listener, a spectator or sale of a newspaper. People who create campaigns against players and coaches who denied exclusive interviews, people do not hesitate to alter images and distorted facts but does not arise rethink their fixed ideas, people who spread hatred and hate sport. Dangerous people.

And when things go wrong given, these people wagging his tail. Coinciding with the time of the Barcelona victory in the last three years, a succession of campaigns des information has been nauseating. To not go into depth in each case, just remember:
  • The persecution they underwent Eduardo Inda Ramón Calderón ("the accused" to the director of brand) for alleged fraud in postal voting . He was the first scapegoat for the ills of the successes of Madrid and Barcelona.
  • Other media decided to raise its game. The invention of "Villarato" , an alleged plot masterminded by Alfredo Relaño maddening consisting of a plot to systematically favor the Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis history (black) of journalism. If Barcelona wins is because villarato helps if the stumble is due to the persecution of villarato, if Madrid wins is a form of compensation villarato to cause a greater evil in the future to rival Barcelona. A very successful theory as fact ANY could contribute to that pipe dream called villarato. Jealous
  • the large draft of "villarato" Inda try to create new campaigns for fans to unite under a pseudonym. Arise and the "funk" : the theory that fear of victory and Real Madrid pressure are factors that cause erosion of Barcelona.
  • A breakpoint occurs with the achievement of the Champions League by Barcelona in 2009. If the home victories are due to villarato, victories in Champions are the work of "euro-villarato" . A theory of Alfredo Relaño shared and extended by Tomás Roncero in the "ball point" and that over the years has been acquiring branches, as the "command Qatar", the "command Unicef," the "command Platini" ... Diarrhea Information
  • also comes to the airwaves: with sources dubious, anonymous, Juan Antonio Alcalá (COPE) casts doubt that the victories of Barcelona due to widespread doping practices.
  • But do not just throw false accusations and distorted facts, it also distorts images. If in times past was used for photo retouching to wipe out political enemies, the newspaper AS gives a twist and uses it to get rid of players in questionable plays for Barcelona to the glory of villarato.

In short, the dog wags the tail and look gawking expected. For years they have been villarato tail wagging the tail of the funk, the tail of the change of cycle, the tail of piss colony Ovrebo queue, queue Preciado, the tail of rivals that are left to win, the tail of the theater people, the tail of the schedule of matches. She has been shaken and we have been watching their hypnotic movements as asshole. For in these years we have not talked about the great goals from Messi, Xavi plays, stops, Casillas, Cristiano Ronaldo races, the claw of Rooney, the elegance of Pirlo, the office of Gerrard or veteran Del Piero the actions of so many good players and coaches, and sports media expect us to, we talked about everything but football. The degree of intoxication, disinformation, abuse, insults and lies we have reached is incredible and worst of all is that it seems to be let go with the flow for the sake of freedom of expression.

the end you are just wondering then if we really exist or to create a different charge. Does the rest of Europe have the same perception than we do about what happens in our game? "The sports press has the facts or is the world of sport that acts according to what has the press? Is there an alternative to football and informative bipolarity in our country? What is really so terrible reality that hides behind the smokescreen? Many questions and few answers. This brings me to finish the same way I started, with a quote from the movie mentioned:

"What people remember about the Gulf War? A video of a bomb falls and blows a building ... but it could be a model"

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"I dedicate it to all the love I felt inside me and I have not had me, and all women in general "

This is the letter of intent with our friend Martin begins his Blog "Blog gynoid." Martin has started writing a novel and decided to share it with us by posting chapters on his blog.

a writer for the support and monitoring of its readers is the most important, we encourage you to follow this novel, only that you have itching at the following link: or look in our links of interest .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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D-teeth and injuries

If you take a pinnace, in whatever form it is common to be simultaneous injuries and break your teeth. If you have an injury that does not mean you have squashed teeth but, contrary there is a relationship.
As'm not a doctor nor do I have no idea, I will not invent the nerve endings of the teeth influence the muscles causing involuntary contractions that produce tears of muscle fibers, which sounds that you shit, but I just inventing right now.
not the reason but if you have teeth with cavities or other conditions causing lower performance and various injuries. Culturilla popular is discussed, that no takes into account and, with some oral maintenance, could be solved. Today my dentist remarked on but, of course, does not count because it is the party involved and interested in spreading the story.
do not know if it is related or not, but I have only 3 teeth or mine and the rest are plastic, amalgam or go to know that such material for stopping teeth, because they have some Defensión with injuries related to the teeth. Still, when a cavity in which I keep, it affects me without noticing. Already
latter, although then I'll be accused of crying and whining, is a record of House. At first I thought that my pain from sinusitis, which had been irradiated Ear and mouth were causing a slight drop in my performance. Once discarded the sinusitis, the teeth continue bothering to consult me \u200b\u200bas the dentist and discovered that I have a broken premolar root. Not that it is a macho and hold the pain but, as I have a dead nerve of it, it has been through something big to notice. The diagnosis and treatment is a long time, but as of May 23 (I waited a day after the 1st division by antibiotics and for making efforts) I have a tooth least until January, in which I bring other memorabilia of plastic these will not notice. I promise to hang a picture with my "smile profiden" to make competition to "cradle."

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In addressing the issue of nerve medicine and its influence on sexuality always comes to my head one of the best examples that can be put: the prolific Ron Howard film holder to A Beautiful Mind in which Russell Crowe plays mathematician John Nash, who despite his psychiatric problems won the Nobel Prize.

This film is a scene in which Crowe is in bed with his wife, actress Jennifer Connelly, in totally passive attitude, without any sexual desire. The woman asks if it's the medication and he answers yes. In the next scene starts in the kitchen, the wife crying desperately.

A Crowe can not think of anything else to stop taking medication and keeping you in a drawer. When I discovered, her psychiatrist, actor Christopher Plumer, asks why he has done and Crowe replied that it was to meet with his wife, it is understood that sexually. The result is you have to start treatment again and go through the same stages that has passed.

I could now compare with Crowe. When I was diagnosed aron my illness (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and dependent personality structure) began taking medication for nerves. It was in 1992, which coincided with the death of my father and my wife's separation and events that contributed to my malaise, and my depression.

But these medications early nerves did not affect me sexuality. It worked perfectly, except for some normal Gatillazo occasionally of course. During the following years took many different treatments, but still did not affect libido. In that sense I was happy because I knew that the drugs affect nerve sexuality, sexual desire, erection, ejaculation. Not all or the same extent.

did in the nineties and group therapy at the end of the year that lasted the same we were given a survey that appeared in the first place the question on whether the therapy had improved our sex life. The same therapist, a psychiatrist for more signs, the Dr.Gómez Sousa, warned us that probably would not have improved our sex life because most group members were taking medication. Finally a psychiatrist confessed clearly the relationship between sexuality and intake nerve medication. Always my psychiatrist, Dr. Vélez Nogueras, said that there was no connection. I guess that was a lie.

In 2009, due to an increase in my level of anxiety, tremendous, I was prescribed an antipsychotic, ziprasidone, 40 mg .. I was not suffering from schizophrenia. Was due to my level of anxiety and anguish suffered brutal. At first I resented my sex life, but stopped after a few months premature and have started to have erectile dysfunction. Read the prospectus and the alterations came to sexuality and even disorders h ormonales. In fact I had an analytical and testosterone I was below normal levels. And here began my ordeal because it was indeed as Russell Crowe's character: he had no desire, and he did not ejaculate erection problems. My sex life was ruined. Although my family at first did not complain and seemed sympathetic, understanding after a while became the opposite, as Connelly's character. In fact he left me, among other reasons for my lack of desire and erectile dysfunction.

I went to the urologist, Dr. Ortiz, who told me that nerves drugs were responsible for my sexual problems. He told me to take Levitra 10 mg .. Another urologist, Dr. Moyano, he prescribed 20 mg Cialis .. And my psychiatrist Viagra 100 mg .. Of these drugs for erectile dysfunction just tried Cialis. Him getting an erection, but I lasted enough. It was because I had no sex drive and could not ejaculate. Also once I tried Levitra and same thing happened.

Following the abandonment of my family joined me in the psychiatric wing of the Hospital Virgen Ma hull. There I put a lot of medication. Among other things, I doubled the dose of Ziprasidone. And here's where my sex life is over until the present time since that fateful year 2009. In recent times I have managed to cut five and a half tablets of medication, but my life sex has not improved. I still have the libido dead and totally cut my relations with women and my fear of rejection by my sexual dysfunction problem. Volume

today: Ziprasidone 40 mg. `Night, Clorazepate dipotassium 10 mg. morning and night, night mg.por Lormetazepan 2, Alprazolam 1 mg.por night, Lyrica 75 mg. morning and evening, escitalopram 20 mg.por the morning and evening mg.por Mirtazapine 15. Much yet, but I need it because my anxiety skyrocketed. But I hope to go slowly reducing my medication as I have done several months.

live with much anguish of my lack of sex life. I restrict my relationship with women for fear of rejection for my erectile dysfunction, but I have hopes for the future in which things change slowly.


Monday, May 2, 2011

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Another new video Putofutbol

At the end of 1998 large shadow loomed over the future of the NBA: Michael Jordan had just announce his second retirement and the league was left bereft of their degrees and most important star. It was the time for players as Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan or Allen Iverson took the knob, but most fans knew little we have to settle for that. However, almost from the start of the season in January 1999, two rookies started to wonder at his impudence, his enthusiasm and imagination. One of them was a bodyguard prestigious University of North Carolina that began to make the gliding commonplace in the field of losers Raptors. The other, a white base that had several problems on the business of soft drugs in his university days and the coaches did not augur much of a future for their poor discipline defense. His name? Jason Williams .

Sacramento Kings chose the # 7 draft pick this season. Although the reports of the scouts made it clear that Williams was very limited physically, he had no legs to run on offense or defense struggled too, everyone agreed that his fancy for the final pass was something that had not seen do not even Magic Johnson. With a poor record of 27-55 last season, the Kings decided to gamble with Williams and also got a rundown Chris Webber, Vlade Divac veteran and fellow rookie Peja Stojakovic. He started the season and Divac and Webber proved to be unbeatable in the paint, Stojakovic was shown as a Veteran real scoring from distance, but more surprising is that the commitment to the white base was unstable winner: Jason Williams gets the crowd to their feet in every game with passes from behind, fast crossovers, fakes and feints of intrepid ball went crazy on defense and a shot is erratic but consistent enough. Gradually he moves the basic common view among the 10 best of the week, the Kings were the most spectacular team in the league and everyone wanted to televise their games, the kids try to mimic their moves in the schools and streets, and people began to wonder but who the hell is this guy? .

not filled the void of Jordan, much less, but both the arrival of Vince Carter as Jason Williams was a fresh air that sat of wonder to the NBA. The game besides catching Kings proved to be effective, because Californians were able to qualify for the play-offs, of which were felled before the Utah Jazz, which had a base at odds with what was Jason Williams: where Stockton was sober, Williams was excessive, the calm of a contrast to the madness of another. In some of his duels sparks flew, as the playing style of J-Will was played at some point as cockiness. Williams, already accustomed to being misunderstood as was justified: "I play well since I was 9 years. It's my way of expressing myself in a basketball court and not going to change me none. I know I'm different, but that is my personality. All others must make an effort to understand ". Thanks to Williams and his companions, the Kings had gone to be a losing team and forgotten to become one of the outsiders in the league.

In his second season in the league, Jason took hold and his name kept ringing with more strength and was a reference not only in basketball, but in other sports. In fact, the footballer Djalminha, after getting a memorable goal against Real Madrid, admitted being inspired by the plays of "White Chocolate" . In the 1999-2000 season was when we saw his now immortal go with the elbow that left us all with his mouth open, his plays were still a dream, he had fun on the court and we got excited about seeing him play. And to top the team was still winning. An illuminating fact: last season NBC did not schedule any party of the Kings at the national level (the team's season was a surprise to all.) However, this season no fewer than 16 games were televised throughout the country, eager to watch matches of Webber, Williams, Stojakovic, Divac, Williamson, Barry ...

The third season of J-Will not start so well. Both the Kings and the player had stalled in its progression. Coach Rick Adelman was getting tired of the unpredictability of Williams, who did not know the situation under control in the crucial moments of games and their bad decisions in those final minutes. In the environment began to folta the idea that the Sacramento Kings never get to win anything with a base as Jason Williams, and although the audience was having fun with their alley hoops and his passes for science fiction, criticism and dissenting voices began to be more frequent. Finally, Williams was traded by the base of the Vancouver Grizzlies, Mike Bibby.

The Grizzlies, newcomers to the city of Memphis, JWill saw the transfer as a successful marketing campaign to attract people to the courts, as the player's fame was spectacular effect. Moreover, the statements of coach Sidney Lowe in the sense of letting go to base and adapt to the unpredictable and dynamic style of play supported this decision. Nothing is further from reality, and that from the outset Lowe chose to rely on the inner game with the impressive start Pau Gasol, and asked Williams to calm his game and was more cautious. Later, other coaches like Hubie Brown or Mike Fratello Jason molding followed in the same direction, while the Grizzlies improved year after year to be able to get into play-offs in the wild Western Conference, Williams became a base sober, reducing their percentage of losses to spectacularly low levels, and choosing his shots better and increase their share of success. However, the original spark of Jason Williams was virtually nonexistent, had been institutionalized. Like a shooting star, the magic was gone and that number 55 of the Kings only had one strong and controversial personality, which was what led him to leave the Grizzlies.

In 2005 he signed with the Miami Heat's Shaquille and Pat Riley, getting the championship ring and proving that a player like Jason Williams (or like it was) could win the NBA. Dwayne Wade said of him that "Things sometimes have a purpose in life. Perhaps its fate was to come to Miami and show what he could do well, which is play basketball, " . After a few more seasons in Miami, went unnoticed by the Orlando Magic and a few months ago returned to the place where more stability achieved, Memphis. A few weeks ago announced that he retires, and being injured is not able to participate in the exceptional season for the Grizzlies, who have achieved the first victory in playoff history.

Serve this post as a tribute to one of the basketball players have more fun and I love basketball. As they say in the movie Shawshank Redemption: "Some birds can not be caged, their feathers are too beautiful. And when they fly is glad that part of you always knew it was a sin to cage them. Yet the place where you still living is more gray and empty when they are not " . During the time that Jason Williams was able to fly free, illusion and fun to many people, and sometimes that is remembered more than the victories or success.

Follando Famosas Mexicana

C-The piano giant

The 7 th challenge of the Royal English Mathematical Society presented in the newspaper "El País" goes over the keys of a piano. Here you can see the problem statement, both video and statement.
is a piano in which they are pressing a few keys following a series of numbers. Do you press, then Re, and pulse skip a Fa, skip two, and so on.
The questions are very simple and refer to when we hold 7000 notes:
1. How many keys we will have played under a C note?
2. Are there any notes that have not been down in no time?
The answer must be send before from 12 pm today. I read on Thursday and, for ghosts, I would say it took 5 minutes to find the solution as far congruence and I found it easy to find a pattern.
I leave it on if you want to copy and send.

My proposed solution is:
We believe that there are 7 notes, which we number from 1 to 7 (OD = 1, RE = 2, MI = 3, FA = 4, G = 5, LA = 6, SI = 7). As a cycle of 7 notes, the key will match the 8 th 1 st, 9 th to the 2 nd and so on. We work with congruences in module 7.

T1 = 1 T2 = T1 +1 = 2
T2 T3 = T4
+2 = 4 +3 = 7 = T3 = T4 T5
+4 = 11 = 4 -> For the 11 th note coincides with the 4 th note
T6 = T5 +5 = 9 = 2 -> For the 9 th note coincides with the 2 nd note
T7 = T6 +6 = 8 = 1 -> For the 8 th note coincides with the 1 st note
T8 = T7 = T7 +7 +0 (Because 7 keys to scroll is not moving as any since it is the same grade) = 1
T9 = T8 = T8 +8 +1 = 2
is noted that a cycle of repeated notes in 7 keys. This is because it is congruent modulo 7 +4 to -3, -2 and +5 to +6 to -1.
note then that the notes would be DO, RE, FA, IF, FA, RE, DO, DO, RE, FA, SI, ...
Replies: 1.How
each cycle of 7 keys pressed 2 times the note of, in 7000 will pulse 2000 times. 2.The
notes never would strike would not MI, SOL, LA.

I hope you serve at least for curiosity's sake it is not normally a problem as mathematical puzzle.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Words Gerard Way Writes On Himself

D-League clubs 1 st Division: Meeting Alcorcón

We're back from the 1100 kms. Alcorcón travel. In short, my team was third, so it touches fight to avoid relegation. I already knew this because whenever we were participated in the second half. My position, a dishonorable 5 º with my second personal best, 24:47. It is disgraceful
of the entire competition because I was behind my teammate and later on the last lap to go before him. Has an explanation and, as you deserve an explanation, I'm going to give. I was strong, so I wanted to go behind the top 5 who went for 23 minutes. I had already decided I was going with my friend Sebastian because better control the pace, so I held it I could behind him holding up very good pace, a little below 5 km. In the absence of 1 km and some, one of the predecessors of Oviedo had 2 cards. I thought go for because I knew I could not force, but he was fired. In the absence of a return I saw that we could improve my mark, so I told Sebastian that threw me. I stood right in front without changing very fast pace so that I could continue, but in the end, and I beat the mark of 24:42 and let him go at the end as I intended, so I've been like if I had taken advantage of it to beat the final. Dishonorable.
In testing there were two judges who knew me, one of which Javier de la Fuente, with whom I talked for a while since you have 2 children, walkers and is friends with Prieto. It was the first to be heard in Spain of the world record in Ghent. Another judge also asked me if I was the blog, this time they had said Maroto. We see that the judges are happy to respect their work because I only lost once advised to contact (I'm becoming a low-flying unconsciously). For the next league
we face in Tenerife Pepe Fernandez, Toro and Bidasoa Wine At. Murcia is discarded as the venue because the streets are deteriorating paint (I vote for him Titanlux layer, but not school) and as 3 teams go to the Canaries is a bit expensive, I think we will travel to Toro or Irun. The plane is a bad combination, so I beat car smell. This counting
not recover my fellow July sprain and that I would rather go to Olhao to see Prieto 50. And the vote and will have to be in the mail.